72 | Sirius' Fourteenth

109 8 14

Sirius' Fourteenth

CW: Mention of family illnesses, child abuse & possible triggering events.

Elizabeth woke up on November 3rd buried beneath layers of blankets, face smushed into a pillow and feeling the soft mattress dip into and mold into the edges of her body. The, way to expensive amount, of alcohol under her bed, some beneath Mary's bed and Marlene. Lily had flat out refused to store anything aiding this party in her area of the dormitory telling the other three off "It's breaking so many rules. You snuck out of Hogwarts to buy underage witches and Wizards alcohol, with your parents money Elizabeth as well!" Elizabeth had just laughed and waved this off and said goodnight.

She laid in bed, eyes closed and relishing in the peaceful moments she had before the day of uproar she was about to have. Sirius was turning fourteen today and the Marauders were going to make a fuss out of it, James had specifically come up to Elizabeth a week prior asking her to brew headache draughts for the following day. She had agreed of course without much begging, much to Marlene's distaste.

Elizabeth was on spell task again. She didn't mind actually it was a lot less taxing than running around telling certain people of a party and avoiding others, especially at a time like this. With a tired sigh she pushed the den of blankets off herself letting the cold morning air suffocate her. For some reason this year the winter weather was coming earlier than the previous year.

She pushed herself off the soft foam and pressed her feet to the cold flagstone tiles and tip toed her way across the dormitory and shoved on something comfy. It was a yellow and pink striped bodysuit with a deep navy blue hue to the cotton fabric, she slipped a thick black cardigan over her shoulders and folded her arms opening the door and going to the common room. The difference in temperature was almost laughable. Where the girls dorms were cold and nippy the common room was warm and welcoming with the large fire lit up in front of the red velvet couches.

Elizabeth racked her brain for the incantations she used last time. Moving her wand gracefully and precise Elizabeth cast a silencing spell on the common room (it was another twenty four hour spell - she had found out that not many witches and Wizards could do this) she also cast a strengthening charm on the furniture, an engorgement charm to the entire common room and summoned two tables and moved them to the side of the room for the drinks and snacks. When she was done she went back up to the dormitory and slipped on her red and orange robes and tie and woke the other girls up. Within the hour they were all up and dressed and dragging themselves down to the common room on there way to breakfast.

"I'm so tired" Marlene complained rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"It's nothing then what I can guarantee you'll feel tomorrow morning" Lily chastised.

"Oh I don't even want to think about the hangover we're going to have tomorrow"

"El made headache draughts so we should be good on that front" Mary smiled.

Lily whipped her head so sharply at Elizabeth. "You did what?"

"James asked me too, said people might need it for class tomorrow"

"Of course Potter would have something to do with it"

Marlene and Mary both rolled there eyes "Well done El" Mary said.

"We're not going to hear the end of James all day now" Mary finished.

Elizabeth grimaced "Sorry?"

They pushed open the doors to the Great Hall and were immediately jumping back from fireworks exploding above students heads. Lily, Mary, Marlene and Elizabeth all stood in the doorway, mouths agape and eyes wide looking at the scene in front of them.

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