62 | The fountain of Godric Gryffindor

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The fountain of Godric Gryffindor

Elizabeth and Sirius arrived to Defense Against The Dark Arts ten minutes late and received a detention for the following day. They also managed to lose 10 house points between them in the hour if the first day back. DADA was the same as the year before, only the eight Gryffindor third years were present.

Elizabeth sat beside Mary. James and Remus in front. Marlene and Lily on a desk to to her right and Sirius and Peter on a desk to her left.

"Good morning class and welcome to your third year, i am Professor Gibson and as i'm sure your aware from Dumbledore's speech last night in your brew Defense against the dark Arts Professor. Before i get into today's lesson i would like us all to go round and introduce yourselves. Just say your name and move on, quick and simple, let's start with you" he pointed to James.

"My name is James Potter"

"My name is Remus Lupin"

"My name is Lily Evans"

"My name is Marlene McKinnon"

"My name is Elizabeth Selwyn"

"My name is Mary McDonald"

"My name is Sirius Black"

"And my name is Peter Pettigrew"

"Marvelous class now, do any of you have any questions before we begin?"

"Yes Mr. Potter"

"What happened to the last Defense Professor?"

"Yeah i liked her" Marlene said.

"Well i don't know much about it but i think she went on to find a job at Beauxbatons Academy in France, so unfortunately for you, your stuck with me"

"Just wait sir" Sirius said "You'll be gone by the end of the year"

"I hope not. I rather like this job"

"You've been here less than a day sir" Elizabeth said

"And i'm already fascinated. Now today's lesson we will be learning about Red Caps"

Sirius, Elizabeth, James and Mary pulled a face.

"Yes Mrs Evans"

"Why are we learning about magical creatures in a DADA class. Surely we'd learn this in that lesson instead sir?"

James nodded frantically and Sirius grinned at him.

"We'll Mrs Evans, in Care if Magical creatures you learn how to nurture the animals, not how to destroy. We are living in the middle of a war, blood will be spilled and.. a Red Cap lives on battlegrounds as you will be learning today"

"A red cap burrows itself in holes beneath an area of land where human blood has been spilled. These creatures can be easily repelled by normal charms and hexes as they are mortal, however, they are extremely dangerous to muggles. Why is that?"

Elizabeth, Marlene, Lily, Remus and Peter raised there hands.

"Yes Mrs McKinnon?"

"Because muggles can't perform simple spells as we and probably don't know what a Red Cap even is sir"

"5 points. You are correct McKinnon, a muggle has no way of protection themselves from a Red Cap and will be bludgeoned to death at nights. The animals tend to prefer the nights, most likely as a way to hide from there prey. They are most commonly found in..?"

"Northern Europe sir" Lily said.

"Well done. 5 points, and what spells can we use to repel these creatures by.."

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