71 | Mirror Passage

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Mirror Passage

It was the end of October. The air was a cool crisp and through the days leading to November there seemed to always be a slight drizzle of rain. Some days it would pour and pour others it would be light and delicate.

Down below the Black Lake sat on the leather couches were; Lucius, Evan, Severus, Amos, Rabastan, Alabster, Maxwell, Narcissa, Mulciber, Radolphus and Bellatrix. Plotting as they usually did these days.

As promised of them Amos and Rabastan had spent copious amounts of times huddled over the tables and soaking in the dull words of the ancient books. As Severus had said, there would be a lot more helpful books in the restricted section so one night mid October Narcissa and Bellatrix had broke in and stole various books that indulged the eleven Slytherin's in what they needed.

The creation of a spell.

Narcissa was sat on an armchair on Lucius's lap reading a loud for the group to hear so they can brainstorm from there.

"It is known that only witches and wizards with an extreme understanding and skill with magic are known to invent and create new spells. The process to creating unique spells is known to be highly dangerous and extremely difficult to accomplish. If anything should go wrong, the results can be fatal"

"Alright so does it actually say what the steps are or not?" Rabastan asked impatiently.

"Well.." Narcissa said slowly lowering the book and looking through his soul "If you would wait more than five minutes i might be able to find out" and she picked the book back up and began to read gracefully and fluently. Not stumbling over her words once.

"The process of spell creations is known to be advanced and highly dangerous. There are thousands of ways to create spells, of course, however the easiest way would be to experiment. Involve other wand movements together and try a mixture of incantations and you shall see results. Spell creation will involve tremendous amounts of concentration, patience. As you will need to test your spell for the right intent, without practice and large amounts of testing you will not know the result of your spell. Whether you are aiming for a charm, hex or jinx you will not know until it is created. You could be looking to create a higher levitating charm and end up making an exploding hex. You will also need to look into counter spells to reject and backfire you-"

Narcissa stopped reading there.

"Is that it?" Radolphus asked.

"Seems to me the only thing we need to do is trial and error. We mix other spells together and we create several of them. The one with the most effects and fatal causes we will use" Lucius said calmly as he looked around with a triumphant grin plastered on his face.

"So how long do we think it's going to take?" Maxwell asked.

"Could be months" Bellatrix huffed.

"We have to be patient" Narcissa urged "Elizabeth is brewing the two vials of Veritaserum. Once we have that we can get even more information and speed it up a few days or weeks"

"Yeah well, she only has until the end of this week before her month is up. Has anyone actually checked in to make sure she's doing it?" Amos snapped.

"I have faith in her" Mulciber said leaning back "If she says she'll do something. Elizabeth will do it"

Bellatrix nodded "She's not the type to back out of something. She's strong, she will do this correctly and we do not have to worry about room for error if she is the one making the serums"

Radolphus breathed in a deep chunk of air "Alright, we wait till the end of the week for the serum's. Until then i want us all to begin the spell creations. Mix any dark magic you know. All of us. Then when we get the serum and find out more information we can add that to it and eventually we choose the right spell and we use it on one of the Gryffindor filth"

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