89 | The Bells & Goldsteins

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The Bells & Goldsteins

Monday 19th February, 1974

Elizabeth left the confines of Regulus's and Barty's dormitory for the first time in, what felt like weeks, that morning. She and Regulus were walking side by side. He had said something about not failing her and she had half listened as her mind raced double and she was re-thinking even leaving his bed. She wanted nothing more than to turn around and go back but she couldn't because they were already in the Great Hall.

It was lifeless. Usually, when classes are cancelled the school is in joy, cheers, laughter. Now, the students sit in either their black school robes, black funeral robes or dresses. Elizabeth walked over to the Gryffindors' table, Regulus still by her side, in a black silk lace dress with a frilly collar hanging around her neck loosely (Regulus had spent long hours a few nights ago fixing a black dress, she didn't realize then but she presumed now it was this one. He knew she didn't like anything right touching her neck, he didn't know why but he was adamant on not failing her and he was protecting her from her own fears). She sat herself gingerly beside Mary and Regulus followed and took a seat beside Marlene - who had scooted over to make room for the two.

"El," Mary sighed, wrapping her into a side hug, "I've missed you."

Elizabeth smiled sadly into her shoulder, "Sorry."

"Don't apologize silly, I'm glad you're... out of the nest."

Elizabeth turned forward, reached for the porridge and slowly filled the bowl.

"This is new?" James said, looking up at Regulus and chomping away at his cereal.

Regulus shrugged, "Don't get used to it."

"Just here the once, then?" Marlene asked.

Regulus nodded and reached for the porridge too.

"You'll like this one better than Slytherin's. Ours is thicker, not as watery," Elizabeth said quietly, picking at her own food.

"Eat it," Regulus pushed the bowl closer to her, "You need to eat, El."

Elizabeth smiled slightly but didn't say anything. She scooped the spoon into her mouth and sighed. "What?" she snapped without looking up.

"Nothing," Sirius said quickly.

"Sorry," Mary squeaked.

"The fuck," Marlene mumbled.

"I, uh... don't understand?" Regulus frowned and looked between them.

"Oh," Marlene sat up, "I think they're looking at how you're acting like a boyfriend to El."

Elizabeth choked on her porridge which Regulus immediately turned to rub her back gently.

"Little things like that," Marlene whispered to him, before turning back to her conversation with Alice.

"You're coming, then?" Billius said, coming up and sitting beside Remus on the other side of the bench.

"Bill, please-" Remus tried to plead no arguing today, but Regulus cut him off swiftly.

"Look, Weasley, if you have an issue with El going today, fucking deal with it. Her family helped organize the service as much as yours have. Suck it up. You're not the only one dealing with shit, sorry for your loss, but don't go around making everyone else feel like shit for things they haven't done."

"Regulus," Elizabeth hissed, swatting him on the arm.

"What? I'm bloody sick of it. He's his best mate, I get it but-"

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