23 | Crimson Blood

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Crimson Blood

CW: Child abuse.

As soon as her feet touched the cobblestone, Divicci grabbed Elizabeth by the hair and dragged her into the fold of the Fidelius Charm - a spell that makes something unplottable, secret, unless you are told the secret, and then it is visible to you - he threw her body down to the damp lawn in front of the manor, aiming his wand at her.

"Father, please. What has she done?" Jake asked as he stepped forward to help his sister.

"Does it matter? She's the family disgrace. I knew I should have been rid of you when you were sorted into that traitorous, filthy, mudblood infested house! You have tarnished the family legacy!"

"If you let me explain I promi-"

She was cut off by pain shooting up her left calf. Elizabeth clenched her jaw tight, balling her hands into fists to fight back the cry of pain she wanted to let out desperately.

"Don't you dare talk back to me," Divicci spat, moving his wand down and making another deep slice next to the one bleeding already on her leg.

"Father, please," Jake said, trying to stop what was happening.

"Jake, go inside... NOW!" Divicci bellowed as he prepared himself to make another cut on his daughter's leg.

Elizabeth smiled sadly and nodded for him to go. She knew he would feel bad later, but she didn't want him to get hurt as well. There was no point.

"Filthy mudblood lover!" He slashed another cut onto her wounded calf.

She couldn't hold back the cry any longer. Three cuts were oozing thick, beaded blood down her leg. She let out a short scream as she felt her skin being split in two by a sharp, invisible, pointed object. She could feel the nerves in the leg twitching with pain, the crimson blood dripping down onto the grass.

"If I ever find you talking to the Potter boy again, Elizabeth. You will receive worse than this. That is a promise," Divicci said, keeping eye contact as he placed his wand beneath his traveling robes with a smooth and swift movement of his arm. He turned on his heel seconds later, leaving his daughter to bleed out on the lawn.

Elizabeth patted herself down, feeling for her wand. She pulled it out and attempted numerous healing spells to her three, deep wounds. that she had picked up over the years. These were cast using Dark Magic. But no matter her efforts, they would not heal. Perhaps they'd have to heal the muggle way. This was a lesson, she realized. Talk to, "muggle lovers," heal like a muggle.

Her lower leg began to pulsate as she cast another healing spell. They weren't closing the wounds, but it was slowing down the bleeding to a slow trickling trail. When there were only several crimson beads left, she pushed herself up and began limping to the manor doors. A tiny house elf opened them for her before she stumbled inside. Jake was waiting by the doors for her arrival. He immediately picked her up and carried her back to her room.

"You're bleeding. What happened?" Jake asked as he lay her down on the bed.

"Lacero," She simply said.

Jake sighed deeply, "I can't fix it for you. I'm sorry."

"Jake, you don't have anything to apologize for. It's my fault, I should have known they would find out soon. I thought they would have known by now anyway. Besides, I think that was more about the trial if I'm to be honest." Elizabeth gave a small, tired smile to her older brother.

"Elizabeth, El! Are you ok?" Jonathan said, running into her room followed by Cassilda.

"Yes, I'm fine." What a beautiful way to begin the summer, she thought.

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