80 | Tasks

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All speech in italics is spoken in French.

Elizabeth walked down the spiral staircase down to the first floor of the manor, chin raised and back straight moving graciously through the halls. The second she spotted Marcel a grin made it's way across her face as she stood beside her mother.

"Uncle" Elizabeth nodded.

"Niece" Marcel grinned.

"Keep her safe and away from those mudblood filths." Elladora spat eyeing the two of them cautiously.

Marcel rolled his eyes "Yes dear sister, of course. Are you ready Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth nodded "Yes."

"I want her back before the term starts." Elladora insisted.

"Of course Dora." Marcel grabbed the trunk from Hilda and Elizabeth stepped past the threshold.

"I'll see you soon Elizabeth"

"Goodbye mother." She nodded and took Marcel's free hand as he apparated away from Selwyn manor. As soon as her feet hit the ground Elizabeth was engulfed by nothing but cold. Outside of the Carter household it was different than it had been during summer. The blue bricked house was now layered in thick snow, the windows frosted over and the hedges sprinkled in white flakes. The ground around her was soft and the snow went up to Elizabeth's ankles. The thick smog of air that flowed out with every exhale she made gave her a sense of joy she hadn't experienced in a long time. 

The last time she had been able to the snow was with Jake, Cassilda and Jonathan her first year at Hogwarts and they had spent the day drinking hot chocolate in Jake's room, cuddled up together and laughing over the holidays.

"Before you go in Elizabeth." Marcel said quickly catching her shoulder. "Be careful with Céline. She is a lot better than she was a few weeks ago but I still worry and this weather is sure not to help her health"

Elizabeth nodded quickly. "Of course Marcel."

He nodded and released her shoulder smiling wifey down at her. "Let's get inside shall we. It's freezing."

Elizabeth didn't even take two steps in before she was bombarded with shrieks and sobs. Two pairs of arms were flung around her from both sides making her stumble back slightly from the force, but soon wrapped an arm around each of the girls burying her head between there's.

"Addie, Céci" she laughed.

"Lizzie!" Céline and Adeline cried at the same time. They all pulled apart and were staring at the other with the widest of smiles on there faces and tears shimmering in a thin layer in all three of there eyes.

"Feels like we haven't seen you in months." Adeline smiled.

Elizabeth smirked "Well that's probably because it has been months."

Céline rolled her eyes, grin still on her face "Shut up and take your trunk to your room."

Elizabeth laughed and did just that (not before hugging Valérie tightly and thanking her and her uncle again for letting her stay for the holidays - and all her friends in a few days). Elizabeth hauled her trunk up the stairs, Céline carrying one end as Elizabeth held the other as Adeline fell behind talking about her boyfriend - Florentine - and how they had been apart for a few weeks over an ugly argument but Liana and André had been quick to interfere and get the couple back together.

Céline helped her unpack her clothes and fold them neatly into drawers hanging them in the muggle wardrobe. Adeline helped every now and then but continued to fill Elizabeth in on every small detail that had taken place at the Beauxbatons Academy.

Cursed Child Years 1-4 | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now