119 | Lifeline

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TW: Small mentions of blood, gore, choking and torture.

Tuesday 30th January, 1975

"I like it when you're like this, Sirius," Remus smiled softly, brushing Sirius's hair out of his eyes.

"Like what, Moony? In your bed?" He grinned, pulling Remus closer to him.

He laughed gently, searching Sirius's grey eyes in the dim light from the candle floating above them. "That too, but I meant this, your walls down and not guard. Just you being who you really are."

"I'm always like this, Moons," Sirius wrapped an arm around Remus's back, hand tangling in his soft brown hair. "With you."

Remus leant forward and kissed Sirius, his hand caressing his cheek. It was a short kiss, meaningful, so Remus brushed his thumb against Sirius's bottom lip when they parted, resting their foreheads together on the white pillow.

"I like it when you do that," Sirius smiled, kissing Remus again.

Remus breathed in the scent of Sirius Black, the taste of him. His soft lips, the small scar just below his bottom lip on the left side, his silk Black hair, his grey eyes full of words and truths he would soon hear, the feeling of holding Sirius Black in his arms, in his bed with a silencing charm around them so James and Peter wouldn't know, the candle floating above casting shadows across their faces. It was everything to them.

"Me too, Pads. Me too."

They laid there for a while, not saying anything and just holding each other close, and every now and then they would share a gentle kiss. It would be slow, memorising the way Sirius lifted his head just to be able to show Remus how he felt. They watched each other, hazel and grey, foreheads pressed and legs tangled in the sheets covering them to their waists.

"It's nearly midnight," Sirius whispered, eyes wandering to Remus's lips.

"It's that late already?"

Sirius nodded. "Lils will be sixteen in twenty minutes."

"It's weird, don't you think?" Remus moved closer to Sirius, stroking his cheek with the back of his fingers. "She's sixteen and most of us are still fourteen. You'll be sixteen this year whilst the rest of us will be turning fifteen."

"Me and Lils weren't born in sixty, we were born in-"

"Fifty-nine, I know. You're getting old, Pads. You'll have to take up James's role of looking after us all and become the responsible friend."

"There's so many things wrong with that sentence, Moony."

"Tell me."

"I'm not old, just wiser."

"Says the boy who three days ago charmed all of the Ravenclaw's skin blue, and only yesterday the charm came off."

"That wasn't just me! Me and Prongs did that, you talked Wormy out of it! However, I would argue that's just evidence of my wisdom."

"Everyone calls them Smurfs now," Remus said, struggling to keep the grin from his face.

"I still don't know what they are. They sound funny if they're all in blue though," Sirius grinned madly, a loud laugh echoing around them as he tilted his bed.

"Wise, but doesn't know what Smurfs are?"

Sirius nodded, looking back at Remus now. "Yes."

"So, there's only one thing wrong with my sentence then?"

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