50 | A stop at Hogshead

153 11 18

A stop at Hogsehead

Elizabeth was standing in the middle of an empty corridor. It was dark outside and the moonlight was shining through the windows casting shadows across the walls and across her face. It was eerily quiet, no one was near. No light. Nothing but her stood alone in the corridor.

She whipped her head around at the sudden sound of running footsteps approaching her. However there was still no one there. She began to spin round in circles, the noise was pounding against her ears  and echoing through the corridor.

The sound of a girl crying sounded behind her and she spun on her heels to see Lucinda Nott running towards her. Crying.

"Lucinda. What's wrong" she asked holding her best friend firmly.

"My bloody father"

Elizabeth got a sudden sense of Deja vu.

"What's he done now" she asked rubbing a hand up and down Lucinda's back.

"Called me home. Something has happened and I'm needed back home"

"What. When are you going?"

"Now, i just saw you and wanted to tell you" Lucinda said pulling out the hug and looking sadly into Elizabeth's eyes.

"Alright. Write me as soon as you arrive and let me know if everything is alright. Please be careful there's a lot going on right now- well you already know that so just please be safe Loo"

"I will Beth i promise"

"I'll see you when yo- when do you get back?"

"I should be gone for a few days. Two to three at most"

"Ok i'll see you when you get back to the castle then"

"Bye Beth"

"Bye Loo"

There was an almighty shriek and Elizabeth turned and ran down the corridor following the screaming. When she reached the source it was to see Amos knelt down holding Lucinda's lifeless body. He looked up with tears in his eyes and running down his face.

"She's dead" he sobbed

Elizabeth's eyes widened as she stared at her best friend's body. Lucinda looked SO pale, ghostly even. Her eyes were open and staring vacantly above with her mouth hung open slightly.

"Loo?" Elizabeth whispered, feeling tears forming in her eyes and obstructing her vision.

She shook her head rapidly and the scenery changed. Now instead of Amos crying over his sister's body in an an empty dark corridor, Elizabeth was on the main staircase of the Selwyn Manor walking up to the second floor with Jake.

She looked at the way he seemed. He wasn't thin and pale like he had been in the days before his death. His skin was bright and glowing even though he seemed sad, Elizabeth was over the moon to see him in person again. To be able to see him move and not just in a wizarding photo. To be able to see him breath and blink. To see her brother alive and healthy

"Don't.. don't do this please" she begged. She didn't know what she was begging him not to do but she had a feeling it had something to do with the Dark Lord.

"Beth you know i have no choice" Jake said

"We could run. you'll be safe at Hogwarts and when it's summer you can hide. I'll go with you."

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