32 | Moony Once A Month

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Moony Once A Month

Elizabeth walked in halfway through Transfiguration.

"Sorry I'm late professor," she said, and took her seat beside Peter.

"Is your brother alright?" Peter whispered.

She nodded and began to copy his notes down.

The bell rang and the students began to pack there parchments and quills into their bags.

Elizabeth walked out the class and Sirius and Mary came up either side of her. She glanced at the two suspiciously and carried on walking. When she made her way to a corridor, Sirius and Mary pulled her to a more secluded one.

"What the hell, we're going to be late for second class," she said as they pushed her to the wall.

"We've got news," Mary said.

Elizabeth looked between the two and waited.

"Well bloody tell me then," she said impatiently.

"Alright, Ms. Moody, calm down," Sirius said.

Elizabeth glared at him. "Sirius and I are a thing- sort of, not really, but kind of."

Elizabeth and Sirius looked at her confused.

"What," Elizabeth asked.

"MacDonald and I are dating."

"WHAT!" Elizabeth shouted. Her voice bounced off the walls of the empty corridor.

"Yeah, I know right, we decided-"

"What the bloody hell Sirius- I'm happy for you Mary I really am, I just... Can I have a moment with Sirius for a second? We'll meet you at class."

Mary nodded, "Alright." She sounded rather hurt.

When she was sure Mary was out of ear range, she rounded on Sirius.

"What. The. Bloody. Hell. Do you think you're doing?" She asked, jabbing her finger at him in between the words.

"Stop that would you," he said, grabbing her hand and pushing it away.

"Mary! You date Mary after you kissed Remus."

Sirius widened his eyes. "Shut the bloody hell up, Selwyn, I swear to-"

"What?" She raised an eyebrow, "Sirius, Mary is my friend. She's your friend. SHE'S OUR FRIEND. Not some bloody rebound for you to push your feelings out for Remus. You don't date Mary. Not like this."

"El, it's not like that. I don't know why I kissed Remus."

"Do you like Remus?"

"Yes- not like that- as in, uhm, he's my friend."

"Hmm, and do you like Mary?"

"She's my mate."

"EXACTLY. She's your mate not your fucking lover."

Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Excuse you. I've had enough of you today. First at bloody breakfast about Reg and now Mary. Don't go bloody kissing people and then dating another. You don't know."

"You don't know what happened alright. Rey isn't gay and neither am I. We were both drunk. You of all people should understand that I don't want to hurt Mary."

"What the fuck are you on about?"

"You and that Alex. He got with you snogged you a bit and fucked off. I'm not doing that with-"

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