58 | Potter's 1973

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Potter's 1973

When Elizabeth entered she found herself in a small hallway. A few meters away she could clearly see the kitchen, and opposite that was the large living area.

"Mickey!" James said.


"James has called. Mickey has come to answer to his James."

"Hello Mickey. Could you please take Elizabeth's things to her room upstairs please?" Euphemia requested.

Mickey took her trunk away and soon it was just the three of them standing in the hallway.

"Come in. Monty is dying to meet you," James rolled his eyes at his mum as he followed behind Elizabeth.

She walked into a welcoming living area. Dotted around the room on shelves, on the walls and tables were family photos. Some were from when James was little. Elizabeth couldn't help but laugh at his adorable state. Some were of him just before Hogwarts and some of them seemed to have been taken recently.

"Elizabeth!" A friendly looking man said and brought her into another hug. "Welcome to our home. I know it's probably not as big and fancy as your mansion, but I hope you enjoy it."

"Dad," James scolded.

Elizabeth smiled and shook her head. "No, it's wonderful. We don't have any family pictures at the manor. We have one, but it's more of a portrait for publicity."

Fleamont smirked and nudged her in the shoulder. "James wouldn't shut up about you all summer. The boys were all here for Peter's birthday, but they kept going on about this Selwyn girl and we've been dying to meet you since."

"Talking about me, are we Jamsie?" She asked with a smirk.

James narrowed his eyes at her and crossed his arms over his chest looking, away for dramatics.

"I'm afraid Sirius and Remus won't be here for a few days. So it's just us for the time being," Euphemia grinned.

"It's fine. Thank You again Miss Potter for allowing me to stay."

"Ignore that. It's her pureblood shining through," James waved a hand.

"Ah! We'll soon shake that out of you," Fleamont chuckled

"Dinner will be ready at seven. For now we'll leave you and James to it," Euphemia said, dragging Fleamont out of the room and to the kitchen. Leaving James to show Elizabeth around.

"Come on. Finally get to show you where I live. You best bloody enjoy it," he pulled her hand and showed her around the manor.

Elizabeth sometimes forgot that James came from a wealthy family. No matter how big headed James could be, he never brought up his money. He didn't brag about it and played off just how rich he was. The Potter family are one of the richest families in history. If they shared the same views on blood and were in Slytherin they would be of high authority and respect. Not the 'biggest blood traitors'.

She was shown the living room, kitchen, ballroom, all of the bedrooms, the garden, the forests and fields surrounding the Manor. By the time James had given her a tour of most of the house it was nearing five in the afternoon. James, Elizabeth, Fleamont and Euphemia were sitting outside enjoying the warm weather while it lasted until James suddenly sat up grinning mischievously at her.

"What are you grinning at?" She asked, putting down the book she had been reading for the past half hour.

"Let's play Quidditch."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and brought the book back up without a word.

"Oh come on El. You've never been on a broom in your life. It'll be fun!"

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