123 | Make a Wish

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Make a Wish

Monday 21st May, 1975

The room was dark, dimly lit with the curtains drawn around the pair. Elizabeth and Regulus were laying close in his bed, neither could tell how long it would be until breakfast began, the sun had risen.

The last month, Regulus had made every effort possible to be near Elizabeth. Since their months apart at the beginning of '75' the two decided they needed to make up for lost time, relive old memories. They would constantly sneak away before the sun dipped beyond the horizon, getting to their place in the Forbidden Forest just as it began to set. The two would sit on the log in front of the lake and ask each other for a memory, they'd ask and ask until it was dark and then Regulus would freeze the lake over as Elizabeth transfigured lights to float above them as they skated across the ice.

The nights when they didn't go to the Forbidden Forest, they either spent in the Gryffindor Common Room, in the library with Andromeda, Lucinda and Narcissa or in Regulus's dorm with Barty - Rose would sometimes join them - but most nights it would just be the three of them. Barty always had a secret stash of sweets from Honeydukes, the wooden box would be full after dinner and by dawn it would be half empty.

The Marauders had grown familiar with Barty and Rose's company in the Common Room, no one mentioned anything to the faculty. Lily and Rose seemed to be very close now, teasing the others and doing essays together in the corner. Barty would always give the Marauders ideas for a new prank, hoping he would be avoided - the four boys would always make a special prank just for him whenever this happened, earning them glares from across the Great Hall.

"No," Regulus whined, pulling Elizabeth back below the covers as she began to sit up. "Stay."

"I'm not a dog," she laughed from over her shoulder.

"Let's just stay here. I don't have classes until eleven."

"Lucky you," she grinned. "You can spend the next four hours with the birthday boy whilst I'm in double potions."

"You don't have to have double potions, you know? You could, for example, stay in this warm bed with me," he smiled like a puppy.

"I'm hungry, Reg," she sighed, tugging her hand playfully out of his grip.

"You know the elves adore us. They'll make us our own dinner at the Slytherin table if we ask, clear the hall out, just us."

"That's actually a good idea," she said thoughtfully, he smiled brightly. "We could do that for Barty today."

"I meant me and you," he pouted.

"We can do that for your birthday next month, if you'd like?" His eyes moved down to their intertwined hands above the bed sheets, a sheepish grin on his face.

Regulus sighed dramatically as he pushed himself further into his pillow. "If you insist."

"Good. Now may I please stand so that I can dress myself for breakfast, Mr Potter?"

"Don't call me that," his eyes held a serious warning.

Elizabeth laughed through her nose. "No, I'm thinking Potter-Black? Or maybe Black-Potter? No, I prefer Potter-Black."

"It's Regulus Black."

Elizabeth shrugged, squeezing his hand lightly and then dropped it suddenly, eyeing the bathroom door.

"What's the point in going to breakfast if you're going straight back to bed?"

"Regulus. I don't know anyone in this room who is staying in bed until eleven. Do you?" She half frowned, and then stood suddenly, walking to the bathroom.

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