77 | A series of unfortunate Events

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A series of unfortunate Events

Elizabeth did everything she was meant too. She attended all her classes before the term ended and Christmas break fell. She spent time with the Hufflepuff's and studied with Lily, Lillian and Evelyn in the library. Handed in all her assignments on time and even managed to stay out of the pranks with the Marauders.

There pranks had doubled since the threats from the Slytherin's and everyone seemed to be on edge when they waltzed in the Great Hall grinning like mad men.

Elizabeth, Regulus, Barty, Katy and Rose spent the afternoons together, lounging either in the Slytherin common room or simply sat in a hallway. Regulus and Elizabeth had gone off to the forbidden to the clearing where Regulus had taken her ice skating for the first time and they shared there childhood memories together and then she would return and tell Mary all about it.

Mary had started seeing a fifth year Ravenclaw called Owen Everest. He was tall, skinny and had bright blonde hair with alarmingly bright green eyes. He walked her to the common room from breakfasts and dinners. Mary had even resulted in asking Sirius to distract Filch once or twice so she and Owen could spend some time together after curfew. He had been more than obliged stating it wasn't his place to deprive a lady of her fun.

When Marlene wasn't spending her time with the girls she was with Dorcas or Adam Davis. He was a Ravenclaw too, probably friends with Owen for all Elizabeth knew and Lily and Marlene had been gushing over him every time he sauntered into the Great Hall and all Elizabeth could think about was Regulus.

It was now the morning of the thirteenth. Elizabeth was in her Care of Magical Creatures class stood with Lillian, Remus, Mary and Dorcas. Kettleburn was teaching them about Kneazels. Elizabeth was getting bored. Only half way through the lesson and already she wanted to jump from the astronomy tower. She had been in a bad mood since the day before. Cassilda had stormed over to her on her way to Transfiguration. Elladora's fate had been sealed and the date was set for December 17, just four days away and Elizabeth couldn't get her mind off of it. She'd been in a foul mood since morning and skipped breakfast for a lie in. She couldn't seem to get a break from her god awful family.

"I'm so bored" Lillian whined.

"Tell me about it" Elizabeth said dully.

"It's not that bad if you pay attention" Remus said half turning to them as he listened with fascinated ears as Kettleburn rambled on and on about the bizarre cat like creatures.

"Can always bunk off?" Dorcas suggested.

"What about Kettle over there?" Mary frowned thumbing over to where Kettleburn was beaming as he answered some questions from a Hufflepuff.

Lillian rolled her eyes "He can handle a little tough love. Salazar"

"Sometimes I forget your a Slytherin" Mary smirked.

Lillian smirked back "Born and raised"

"Stop trying to get people to skive would you Mary. It's irresponsible" Remus said quietly.

"Oi! I didn't suggest it" she looked rather affronted.

"It was Meadows actually" Lillian nodded her head forward to Dorcas.

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