70 | The mirror of Erised

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The mirror of Erised

October 21st, 1973

The days flew by. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw had booked the pitch for practice up until today, the day of the match.

Ever since Dumbledore had announced the first match of the year in the Great Hall, Derek had booked the pitch for practices every morning for two hours, working meticulously through the team's individual skills and tackling the team's individual weaknesses.

James would wake up early every morning, before practice would even start. He'd spend the first hours before breakfast with the team and then he and Marlene, Derek, Julia, Frank, Alex and Katie would join the table half way through breakfast.

Classes had been cancelled for the entire day. Elizabeth was sitting in the stands with the girls, Peter, Remus, Sirius and Lily. They were cheering as Gryffindor flew in. Each name being announced and James' floppy raven head of curls flying in the wind as he sawed over the stands and high fived Sirius, sending a flirtatious wink in Lily's direction, earning him an eye roll to the heavens and mutterings of how James Potter was the most arrogant toerag of the century.

Sirius was slouched in between Elizabeth and Remus, arms crossed and barely paying attention to the game.

"What's wrong with you today?" Mary scolded, swatting him on the back of the head lightly.

Sirius frown deepened as he glared over to his shoulder at the brunette. "Nothing," he snapped.

"He's probably pissed off he's not out there with James," Remus commented from Sirius' left.

"Piss off, Moony."

The Ravenclaw stands cheered just then when Annalee, the Ravenclaw's new chaser, scored their house ten points, putting them in the lead.

"OH, FOR FUCKS SAKE! GET OFF YOUR ARSE POTTER AND SCORE!" Sirius bellowed, standing up and screaming over the railings at his best friend. Elizabeth saw James make a rude gesture and zoom across the pitch, chasing the quaffle.

"Saw loser," Mary teased.

"It's not bloody fair. It should be me and McKinnon. Not her and bloody Julia."

Elizabeth and Remus both rolled their eyes. "She is rather good though Pads, you do have to admit," Peter reprimanded.

"Not as good as me, though," Sirius grumbled.

"Not as good as him though," Elizabeth said at the same time as he had. Sirius grinned to his right as she glared at him playfully. Elizabeth raised her chin defiantly to the front just in time to see Derek score. She shot up and screamed at the top of her lungs.


The others were all staring at her wide eyed with faces full of amusement.

"What?" She sighed as she sat back down. "Where's your house pride at?"

Ted chuckled. "You screaming like that? I think I've gone deaf!"

Elizabeth turned her head behind her and punched Ted in the knee. "Shut up and let me be proud of my best friend."

The game continued. James scored two more goals. Derek the same. Julia and Marlene working together to throw bludgers at the Ravenclaw chasers and block bludgers sent to Derek, James and Alex.

On the Ravenclaw team they were twenty points behind. Annalee, Lucas and Adam scoring even points and doing their best to catch up. Angelina and Katie - the two house Seekers - had been doing laps for the past forty five minutes in search of the Snitch and Jonathan and Bradley doing the same as Julia and Marlene.

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