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That's how the next week or so went. The four boys and Elizabeth would spend their free periods in the library, researching the theory and practical behind the magic they intended to do. They paid a lot more attention in Transfiguration and Charms classes and even raised their hands more in lessons. Lily, Mary and Marlene were getting suspicious, though.

Lily caught on when James said no to spending time with her and instead went to the library one afternoon. Mary said they were probably planning a big prank and not to worry, but this only made her worry more. Lily did everything she could to ignore it, but it was so difficult when Elizabeth was also sneaking out at nights, more often and longer than the last. She came back when they left and looked flushed and panicked. She and the four boys would always be seen whispering in hushed tones and heads crammed over a book.

So one night she decided to ask.

Elizabeth had just snuck out from the dorm again. Mary and Marlene were sleeping so she quietly pulled the covers off of herself and the curtains surrounding her bed, put her slippers on and headed downstairs as quickly as she could. When she got to the Common Room, it was to see Sirius and Remus embracing one another near the fire with Sirius rubbing Remus's arms to give him warmth. James and Peter were opening some food they had and we're passing it around the group as Elizabeth was reading through books and sharing spells with the rest of them.

Lily cleared her throat and everyone abruptly spun around to face her.

"Lo darling," James said casually

"What's going on?" Lily asked, walking towards them. Sirius and Peter quickly hid the books from her view, which in turn she raised an eyebrow at.

"Nothing Lil, why don't you go back to bed, it's late," Elizabeth smiled warmly.

"Yeah, it is late. So why are you all up? Every night you've been sneaking out and in the library reading. I know you're all up to something, so just tell me," she pleaded.

"We don't know what you're talking about Evans," Sirius said with a cheeky smirk.

"Evans, it isn't something you should concern yourself with, alright. It's dangerous and you don't know what you need to do, so just go back to bed and get some sleep," James said, pulling the books toward himself.

"So tell me what I need to know to understand."

Sirius and Peter smacked their foreheads, huffing in frustration at James's incapability to lie to Lily.

"Nice one James," Sirius muttered, a slight snap to his tone.

"Lily, please, it's not about us and we can't tell you," Elizabeth said standing up.

"Will you keep it a secret?" Remus spoke up.

Lily nodded her head very fast.

"If we tell you, you can't tell a soul, I mean it. It's a big secret that would get us expelled and Dumbledore thrown off being headmaster," Remus said, looking Lily dead in the eye.

"I swear it," she promised.

"Moony you don't have to," Sirius whispered to him, more so pleading.

Remus smiled at him sadly and whispered back, "I do. It's only Lily, she's the brightest Witch there is. She'll keep it a secret."

Sirius nodded back and turned to Lily. "Moony goes moony once a month," he said to her.

"What?" Lily asked cluelessly.

"Really mate? What Sirius is trying to say is that Rey has a time of the month. Every month, where he disappears and... he changes," James struggled.

Cursed Child Years 1-4 | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now