02 | The Express

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The Express

The Morning of September 1st came rather quickly. Elizabeth was stirred early that day by Jake, who began shaking her awake.

"C'mon El, mother's asked me to wake you, get up," Jake whispered to her.

Elizabeth groaned and began swatting his hands away. "Mgoway," she slurred.

"You're coming to Hogwarts today," Jake said.

Elizabeth shot up. "Oh my god, oh my god!" She flung the duvet to the side and jumped her way over to the mirror. "I'm going to Hogwarts, I'm going to Hogwarts!"

"Not if you don't get up and get dressed, it's already nine," Jake replied, walking to the door.

"Get out then so I can get ready! You monster, waking me up so late. Heavens," Elizabeth muttered, pulling out a black silk dress from her wardrobe.

When she had finished styling her hair and perfecting her makeup, Elizabeth made her way down the stairs to the first floor. In the dining hall, Elladora had sat opposite Divicci, Jake sat to her right, with Cassilda beside him. Elizabeth took her seat, beside her mother and Jonathan.

"You dressed well," Elladora said.

"Thank you, mother. I didn't want to dress over the top," Elizabeth replied.

"You look gorgeous," Cassilda said.

"Thank you." Elizabeth brought the food to her mouth and began to eat.

"We will be leaving in half an hour, make sure you have everything, the both of you, and be down here at ten am, sharp," Divicci said, standing from the table.

"Yes, Father," Jake and Elizabeth said in unison.

"I will be in my study until then." Divicci nodded to his wife.

"Are you excited?" Jonathan asked.

"I'm so nervous, but I can't wait, I'm going to learn so many things in Slytherin, and I'll have Jay with me." Elizabeth smiled at her brother.

Elladora cleared her throat. "You are also a Selwyn. People will bow down at your feet, do not let anyone walk over you, and allow yourself to forget who you are. You are a part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, do not let it slip your mind."

"Yes, mother."

Elizabeth ran back up the stairs, in order to make sure she had packed everything, she had her books, quills, ink, parchment, robes, gloves and her wand tucked away on her side.

A knock came from her bedroom door.

"Come in," she said, raising her voice slightly.

Jonathan walked inside. "I'm going to miss you."

"As am I." She made her way over to her brother, hugging him tightly. "I asked Cassie to make sure you get everything you need after the full moons, so I know you're taken care of. I'll write to you both as often as I can."

Jonathan sniffed. "I know, thank you for asking Cass to do that, you didn't have to. It's going to be so weird without you and Jake here."

"It's going to be weird without you and Cass around," Elizabeth admitted sadly.

They stepped apart from the hug and began to make their way down the stairs, where Elladora and Divicci were standing waiting with Jake and Cassilda.

"Goodbye, El, I'm going to miss you terribly." Cassilda hugged her older sister tight.

"As am I. I will write to you and Jon as often as I can, and tell you everything as if I'm still here. I swear it." Elizabeth pulled away from Cassilda.

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