90 | Boyfriend Material

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Boyfriend Material

Sunday 25th February, 1974

"Where the bloody hell have you been?" Peter demanded as soon as she stepped into the Common Room.

James and Sirius were asleep on the couch. Sirius' head on James' shoulder and snoring softly against him with his arms crossed over his chest. James had wrapped a blanket over the two of them and had his own head rested on Sirius' black hair.

"Where's Moony?" She asked plopping down on the armchair beside him.

"Don't change the subject."

Elizabeth stared blankly at him for a few moments and then rolled her eyes with a sigh. She knew this would happen, all the questions, demands and them on the couch. She didn't allow the guilt to build any further.

She shrugged and propped her legs onto the coffee table, crossing them at the ankles. "I was with Reg."

"Really?" Peter raised an eyebrow.

Elizabeth nodded, eyes forward.

"That's not what the map said."

"If you know where I've been, why ask?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"I wanted to see if you'd lie to me or not."

"Well then don't ask me next time," she snapped.

"Don't get moody with me. I'm only trying to-"

"Look out for me, yes, I'm aware, Peter. However it's getting quite taxing having four boys watching my every move."

"Well when you're drinking every single night and  not getting back to the Common Room until after midnight, I think we have a right to worry."

"We share different opinions on the matter."

"Clearly. So... you and Lestrange are friends again?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "No."

Peter furrowed his eyebrows at her. "Then why-"

"Him and Narcissa found me sometime yesterday on their way to class- hang on. Why aren't you three in class?"

"Because it's a Sunday," Lily said from the portrait door.

"Oh," Elizabeth slouched into the armchair.

"They probably went to one of those optional classes Slughorn does for his house. You know, with their exams in June," Mary said and plopped herself on the arm rest beside Elizabeth.


"So, where have you been?" Lily stood above her, eyebrow raised and a scolding look on her face.

"With Lestrange," Peter said before she could answer herself. She shot a look of irritation at him and turned back to Lily.

"Rabastan?" Marlene squeaked.

"No. Radolphus and-"

"Your friends?" Remus frowned.

"Does anyone else wish to interrupt me this morning, or do you actually want me to answer this questionnaire?"

Lily rolled her eyes and sat on the couch with Remus beside James and Sirius and Marlene sitting on the other arm rest beside Elizabeth to her left and Mary to her right.

"Narcissa and Radolphus found me in a corridor. I can't remember much of it but Radolphus carried me to his dorm. Woke up there this morning, he got me breakfast and I ate it with him, got into a small argument, left, and here we find ourselves now."

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