39 | Beginnings Of A Plan

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Beginnings Of A Plan

"Here comes the Gryffindor quidditch team. The first match of the year! For Beaters we have; Sirius Black and Marlene McKinnon! Gryffindor Seeker Katie Tompson and the Keeper is Alex McCaw! Chasers are; James Potter, Lily Evans and, the team captain, Derek Bell!

As they mount their brooms, the Slytherin team comes to the pitch!

Again, the Slytherin Beaters are Mulciber Avery and Alabster Jackson! Slytherin Keeper is Maxwell Abbott! Chasers are; Lillian Bullstrode, Radolphus Lestrange and Evelyn Greengrass!

The Slytherin Keeper replacement for Jake Selwyn is... EVAN ROSIER!"

Elizabeth hadn't even thought of a replacement for her brother's place on the team.

"Now that everyone is on the pitch! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"

And just like that the first Quidditch Game of the year began. The teams were zapping around on their brooms. The bludgers, quaffle and the snitch were released.

Within the first few minutes Sirius shot a Bludger at Mulciber as Derek scored a goal.


The Gryffindor stands erupted and everyone stood up, cheering their house name. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws were even cheering too.

Throughout the game, the Slytherins played dirty. Mulciber and Alabaster kept shooting bludgers left and right, nearly knocking the Gryffindors off of their brooms. The thing was they were being sneaky about it, so it wasn't called and the game continued.

So far the score was 150:130 - in Gryffindor's favor.

All of the crowd were on the edge of their seats as suddenly, Evan and Katie shot down, hands outstretched. They had seen the snitch and dove down on their brooms to get it. The rest of the teams stopped, hovering above and watching as their Seekers dove closer and closer to the ground.

They were getting close to the ground and then... Katie's hand wrapped around the snitch.


The crowd in red and gold erupted into applause as the players touched the ground and dismounted their brooms. Katie was seen on the shoulders of Sirius Black as the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team surrounded her, cheering her name along with the crowds above.

The Slytherins looked sour. Evelyn looked pleased, though for the other team, and went over and patted Katie on the shoulder, congratulating them on their win. The crowds dispersed as students and teachers began making their way back towards the castle.

It was midnight, January 8th, 1972. The Gryffindor party was in full swing. Drinks were being poured down people's throats, smoke floating in the air and people dancing at the win of the match.

Elizabeth was standing with Sirius, Remus, James, Derek and Billius. The others were all off dancing or smoking within the crowd.

Elizabeth and Derek were gulping down bottles of Witches Brew as the crowd chanted them on. Elizabeth finished the bottle only seconds before Derek.

"You're getting better," she slurred.

"Had a lot of practice," Derek slurred back.

"Alright you two, calm down. The night is still young," James said, taking the empty bottles away from the two very drunk students.

"We're celebrating mate. Live a little," Sirius cheered, handing them another bottle.

"Sirius," James hissed.

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