64 | A Tangled Mess

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A Tangled Mess

CW: Violence and strong mentions of death.

They never did make it back for dinner. In fact, Regulus ended up skipping his history of magic class and Elizabeth accidentally slept through her Astronomy class. They hadn't meant to, it sort of just... happened.

Regulus and Elizabeth had been skating on the ice for close to an hour. Falling, laughing, chasing each other and holding hands. They ended up getting a lot of new bruises, but they didn't care. It was the most fun either had had since last year.

Elizabeth had sat down on a log by the large lake as Regulus made a small fire. It was getting cold, the light slowly dying from the sky. One minute they were sat down laughing and talking, the next Elizabeth was waking up, the bright morning sun sending her no mercy as she woke up on the damp forest floor. Although there were a pair of strong arms holding her down, keeping her there and warm and she wasn't complaining.

They were a tangled mess of limbs, not knowing where Elizabeth started and finished - vice versa. Regulus was behind her, again, holding an arm around her waist and one below her head, as support. His face was buried in her hair and she felt the warmth radiating off of him, it gave her such a rush of pure happiness she thought she'd never feel again, unless with him.

She hadn't realized how much she'd missed him during summer or once they arrived back to school. Yes they'd seen each other and held each other but not like this. She missed it and cherished this side of Regulus. All most people saw was the cold hard front he put up everyday, a sign of the hours of pureblood training from Walburga and the harsh world he'd grown up in. It seemed to be a sort of coping mechanism, but when he was near Elizabeth he let the wall drop and smiled, he laughed, and he was gentle.

Elizabeth wished more than anything the world could see the Regulus Black she saw.

Regulus groaned and shuffled closer into her and tightened his grip around her waist. She didn't move him, Elizabeth lay very still. Ensuring she didn't wake him and that he rested well before classes.

The seven third year Gryffindor's and the four fifth years sat down around the table for breakfast.

"I've never eaten so much in my life than I did last night," Mary said, pulling a face and pushing the plate away.

"Mary MacDonald? Refusing food. My my," Lily said sarcastically.

Mary rolled her eyes to the ceiling, grinning. "I feel ill, physically ill."

"Godric, how much did you eat?" Ted asked.

"All the kitchens," Remus and James replied in unison.

"I don't blame the poor girl then with you lot stuffing her up," Julia giggled, smiling brightly.

Sirius narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously. "Why are you so happy this morning?" He queried, pointing a finger at her.

Derek smacked his hand away. "Let the girl smile mate."

"I wasn't aware smiling at Hogwarts was illegal."

"Oh no frenchie, it's not. It is when you're grinning from ear to ear like the Cheshire cat though."

"How do you know what the Cheshire cat is?" Lily asked.

"Remus told me about it last night."

"Oh when you two snuck off for a good hour and a bit?" James said innocently.

Sirius side glared at him as Remus flushed.

"Looking forward to tryouts later on?" Billius asked.

"Oh yes! Derek, my old friend, we're going to ACE IT!" Sirius shouted.

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