74 | Visiting with the Dead

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Visiting with the Dead

CW: Mention of child abuse & suicidal thoughts.

Everything was a blur of a memory to Elizabeth. One minute she was in the Great Hall with Derek, Marlene and Sirius screaming in Dumbledore's face. Begging for him to let Elizabeth stay, for him to not take her away to the manor and then she was in Dumbledore's office where she stood by the floo network with Divicci gripping at her arm. Nails cutting the surface. Elizabeth remembered the bright green flames of the floo fire as it roared and travelled her back to Selwyn Manor.

Now she lay screaming and writhing under her father's wand. A pool of her vomit by her head, a mixture of blood and spit as it trickled down the side of her face as he screamed drowned out words at her. The burning of the cruciatus was ever more present as the anger practically whipped at her making her blood boil, nerves burn and knives lashing at her skin. Elizabeth could only make out a string of her father's words.

"Disappointment... defend... crucio... Elladora... trial... lacero... dementors... disowned..."

Elizabeth thought in that moment that being disowned wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. If it ended the excruciating pain. If it ended it all. Merlin she was praying it would all end. As her father cast the curse and ended it and casted it again Elizabeth was clawing at her skin, crawling into a tight hall of protection. Begging and screaming for Divicci to stop, knowing he wouldn't, but begging for it to end. She was screaming for him to just get it over with and to kill her there and then. The way Cantanterus did Lucinda. At least that way she wouldn't have to worry about the trial or her father's wrath as they came back from the manor.

"Please. Please just kill me please"

The pain subsided as soon as the words had left her mouth.

"Pathetic, weak excuse of a being. Elladora is wrong about you. Your nothing but a waste of my blood and skills. Cassilda is better than you and always will be. Time and time again you fail this family, burden us all with those blood traitors. You don't care about the cause and you never have. You will soon"

"Please. Stop"


The searing pain returned and the air left her lungs. Elizabeth was screaming again, she didn't realize she was until her throat felt like it was about to burst and the sound cut through to her ears.


Divicci grabbed Elizabeth's face and pulled her head off the floor shutting her up immediately.

"You will stand by your mother in this trial. She has been my wife since I left Hogwarts and I will not let you take her away from me. You will say that all the accusations that Mad Eye is saying is false and you will do everything in your power to stop her sentence. Blame it all on Cantanterus if you have too but if your mother goes to Azkaban I can assure you it will be more than the cruciatus this time Elizabeth"

"Yes- yes father"

"Someone will be here at ten tomorrow morning sharp. Clean yourself up before then" he left shortly after that and Elizabeth immediately called for a house elf.



"Oh! Master Elizabeth, master Elizabeth!" The old elf cried "Master is being hurt. Hilda can help!" The elf scurried to Elizabeth's side immediately and poured down a blur of blue and purple liquids down her throat.

"Hilda is sorry for the taste Master Elizabeth. Hilda is apologizing"

"It's- it's alright Hilda" she choked back.

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