125 | Infinity

282 11 51


TW: Mentions of torture, abuse and death.

Saturday 30th June, 1975

There was so little time left. The carriages seemed to be racing to get to the station, every bump sent them wobbling. Lily, Mary, Marlene, Elizabeth and Dorcas were squeezed into a carriage together, the 'invisible' Thestrals pulling them along.

No one seemed to want to go home for the summer this time around, there was too much fear, too much worry and too much rivalry to be out in the open for two months. Families were being slaughtered, the number of werewolves increasing each full moon, the Dark Mark embedded into every witch and wizard's memory.

Elizabeth was worrying herself to madness. Mary and Dorcas sat either side as she worried her lower lip as she stared blankly at Lily. In less than three hours she would be standing in Selwyn Manor, her brothers, her sister and her miserable parents surrounding her.

In less than a week she would be attending Narcissa and Lucius' wedding with the Dark Mark emblazoned on her left forearm. She hadn't told a soul, not one word to anyone, not even Regulus. Elizabeth couldn't imagine how her best friends would react to her being marked, claimed by the Dark Lord and forever trapped until the day she died.

Running was an option. She'd been thinking about it a lot since Christmas, being free like Sirius and Regulus were. But she couldn't abandon Jonathan, not ever, and Cassilda and Jake still need her - no matter how much she loathes the thought of protecting them.

On the fifth of July, Elizabeth will be marked and trapped and if anyone sees the mark she will be ruined.

"I have a bad feeling about this summer..." Marlene mumbled.

"Don't say that, Marls," Mary kicked her foot gently, shaking her head.

"Do none of you have a gut feeling about it? I'm worried."

"Don't be," Lily insisted. "We'll have each other. We'll write as often as we can, we'll all do our best to see each other and if anything happens we'll run to you straight away."

"She's right, Marls," Dorcas agreed. "We've got each other and this summer is no different. There's a war, but we'll win and everything and everyone will be fine. Nothing will happen this summer, not to us."

Marlene nodded, looking slightly relieved to hear the words. "This year's gone by so fast, don't you think?"

"Yeah," Mary mumbled.

"One minute we were getting off the train and then everything after flew by, and now here we are riding back to the train to go home for two months, and then come back all over again."

"But there's been a lot of good memory's between all of it," Lily added, looking between them with calming green eyes.

"That's true," Mary agreed. "I just hope next year is... less dramatic."

"Oh, me too!" Marlene hummed. "Fourth Year was so stressful!"

"I have a good feeling about next year," Lily interrupted.

"It better be accurate, Evans," Marlene glared. "I'm not going through all of that again!"

"So dramatic, Marls."

"A dramatic end to a dramatic year. How fitting is that, MacDonald!"

"I do love our compartment," Sirius sighs, stroking his palm against the fabric of the seat beside him.

James grins. "You are very strange sometimes, Padfoot."

"But isn't that why you love me and chose me for life?" Sirius pouts, batting his eyelashes.

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