87 | The first full Moon

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The first full Moon

Tuesday February 6th, 1974

Regulus sat in Defence Against the Dark Arts beside Barty. Thankfully, Professor Gibson had allowed the class to choose their seats, so of course, Barty and Regulus had immediately chosen to be with the other. Regulus was scribbling the notes down, his penmanship neat as it always had been and Barty the same, but a lot less tidy than Regulus. Barty dotted the end of his sentence and looked to his left to Regulus with a grin, he nudged his elbow gently.



"How's El?"

Regulus stopped writing and turned slowly to Barty with a raised eyebrow "Fine... how's Katy?"

Barty's smirk only grew. "She's great. She likes Elizabeth. I think you two are very good... friends."

Regulus' eyes narrowed slightly and he turned back to the front gripping his quill. "Yeah, she's a good... friend." The word felt forced coming out of his mouth.

In truth, Regulus had felt something sitting beside Elizabeth in the Great Hall for lunch five days prior. Since then they had spent every lunch together and most of their free periods, whenever she and Evelyn and Andromeda weren't together and she wasn't with Lily and her friends. Sometimes Regulus joined Elizabeth and spent time with her circle, it was either the Marauders or Lily, Marlene, Alice, and Mary. He didn't mind, he thought they were all talented witches and liked them all the same.

However since that zap of electricity had bolted through him when their knees brushed together, everything felt right. He wanted to pick her up, carry her to his dorm, take her to the forest and just be with her. He wanted to devour her and taste her and he had never felt like this towards any of his best friends before. Katy and Rose were attractive girls but he'd never felt that pull of attraction for anyone but Elizabeth. He hadn't realized how dormant those feelings had been until his eyes were opened and every emotion was laid out in front of him. Barty knew. Rose knew. Katy knew. Everyone knew and he now knew too.

"You two seem to be getting close again?" Barty smiled and judged Regulus playfully to irritate him more. It was too easy when discussing Elizabeth these days.


"Spend a lot of time sneaking off after curfew."

"Barty, we don't do that. El is my friend, nothing more, I assure you."

"Oh bog off, Reg. You and I both know there's something more between you two."

Regulus turned back to Barty and shook his head slowly. "Even if I did have feelings that were more than a platonic friendship... she'd never feel the same way in return."

Barty frowned. "Why wouldn't she? You're a very attractive male, Regulus."

"Because my parents are cousins and the looks stay in the family."

Barty turned to the front quickly when he felt the corners of his mouth twitch and tug into a small smile.

"What?" Regulus asked when Barty was chuckling slowly into his hand.

"The looks stay in the family do they?"

Regulus rolled his eyes. "Salazar help you."

Barty grinned. "Don't make incest jokes to me then."

"I am an incest joke," Regulus muttered and Barty burst out laughing. Regulus chuckled lightly when Professor Gibson walked over, glared down at Barty, and took ten house points away immediately - Regulus didn't care very much at all for the house points - Barty fixed Regulus with a playful glare before returning to low laughs and then, eventually, ended up scribbling the notes down with the quill.

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