12 | Number 12 Grimmauld Place

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Number 12 Grimmauld Place

Number 12 Grimmauld place was housing a very bored and lonely Regulus Black. All of his ten years on earth he had been in that house, except family gatherings and weddings, with only Sirius to keep him company. Walburga and Orion didn't want the two going outside as their home was placed on a muggle street in Islington. They were worried they would talk to mudbloods and tarnish their blood. So when Sirius left for Hogwarts, Regulus was left alone.

He spent twenty four seven in the grey walls alone. If he wasn't in his room with Kreacher playing a game of Wizard chess or Gobstones, he was in the library. He was looking for books on muggles, a reason why he should hate them so much. Of course he trusted his parents' guidance and knowledge, but they couldn't give a reason, other than they were beneath them, as to why muggleborns and half-bloods weren't pure and to be killed for their blood status.

He did believe purebloods were the superior of the lot, but he didn't think it was wise to spill unnecessary magical blood.

The Black family library was filled with cursed objects tainted with dark magic. They were locked away in glass cabinets so that neither Sirius or Regulus wouldn't be cursed by them.

Regulus also couldn't get a certain brunette out of his head. The way she touched his arm, how her eyes lit up every time she smiled, how when she laughed his stomach would do loops and flips. Elizabeth Selwyn was stuck in Regulus Black's thoughts most hours of the day and night.

He would wake up from dreams of them dancing in the gardens of Malfoy Manor, her giggling from a joke he told or her just smiling. He didn't know much about her, so it left a big window of imagination.

He knew that she too came from a Noble house. She was an extremely wealthy pureblood, richer than the Malfoys even. She had two brothers and a sister. She was eleven and born on the third of August. Best friends with Sirius and Lucinda Nott. The disappointment of the family, like Sirius as well, but she was well acquainted with the right crowd. She probably knew at least one person from each of the four Hogwarts houses, Regulus found her to be an extremely likable person; Anyone he asked, he was sure they'd have nothing but good things to say about her, minus her last name.

Regulus was looking forward to going to Hogwarts the following September. He would be able to see her more. He wished he could write to her, but Orion would surely read the letters, so he didn't really want to, knowing that factor at least.

Regulus had been looking forward to seeing Sirius again during the Christmas break, but was gutted to find out Walburga and Orion had locked him away so Regulus couldn't speak with him.

They were worried about Sirius putting thoughts of muggle loving into Regulus's head, and didn't want him talking to a blood traitor like his older brother was.

Sirius was the heir to the Noble House of Black. Being in Gryffindor tarnished that reputation.

Kreacher was ordered to spend a lot more time with his master Regulus. Regulus was glad of this, though. He thought he would soon go mad if he continued on for the next 8-9 months alone. So every day, he would spend time with Kreacher, ordering him to reset the board of wizards chess or anything else he wanted. Regulus sometimes went downstairs to the dining hall and had dinner with Orion and Walburga, but not that often.

Diners would always be just the three of them, sitting in an awkward silence. He would always feel the both of them waiting for him to mess up so they could use the cruciatus on him for something or other. Their work for the Dark Lord had seemed to double and they spent a lot, if not most of their time running off doing errands for the Lord Voldemort.

Regulus was told that when he was sixteen, he too would become a death eater. He would get the dark mark on his left forearm and would carry on the family legacy and work for the darkest wizard of their time.

Elizabeth had woken on Monday morning from an intense dream of Regulus Black. Yes she too had been thinking of him quite a lot recently, how she knew little of him only what Sirius would tell her and what she found out from the ball, but he fascinated her.

The youngest Black. How different he was to Sirius but exactly alike in so many ways. They both looked very similar, had the same build to them both and long black curls, but where Sirius was loud Regulus was quite. They both had the same banter but Regulus gave Elizabeth the impression that he didn't do this with most.

Sirius had always said Regulus was quiet. Not very social but when he was at gatherings he would talk to his many cousins often.

Elizabeth had woken up in an extremely good mood for the day and set to waking the girls up and getting ready for her first class back. She also decided that she would write to Regulus later on, hoping he would get the letter still sealed.


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