13 | You're Writing My Brother

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You're Writing My Brother

Elizabeth decided to let Marlene, Lily and Mary go on ahead to breakfast without her as she wanted to write a letter first. She headed on towards the owlery and wrote her letter on the floor with her quill and parchment.

Number 12 Grimmauld Place,

Regulus Arcturus Black,

I don't know when you will receive this letter, I am sorry it has taken so long to write to you but I wasn't sure if I should. Truth be told, I haven't been able to stop thinking of you since that night at the ball. It's a bit creepy, I am aware, but I thought it time I write to you. Hogwarts is the same as usual. I have started my task for the Dark Lord. I'm sure you're aware of it, your parents being who they are. How are you doing on your own? I bet you miss Sirius. I have never spent so much time with him and I don't know how you did it for 10 years. I have a newfound admiration for you, Regulus Black.

Write back as soon as you can. I'd love to hear from you sometime soon.

Elizabeth Selwyn

When she read it over and made sure it was ok, she sealed the envelope with the Selwyn crest and sent the barn owl to deliver the letter. She dropped her quill and spare parchments into her book bag and headed down to breakfast.

She took a seat beside Remus, who was next to Sirius. Opposite Sirius was James and then Peter, opposite of Remus. Lily sat on the other side of James with Mary and Marlene was sat on the other side of Sirius.

They were talking to some older Gryffindors in their third year, the same year as Jake and Andromeda. Peter and the other three Gryffindor boys had gotten very close with the older Gryffindor boys so they often spent most dinners chatting away with them.

"Did you send that letter?" Lily asked as the others began to talk about quidditch.

Elizabeth nodded. "Yeah. I sent it before I came down. I hope it arrives soon though."

"Who was it to?" Mary asked.

Elizabeth glanced at Sirius and prepared for the relentless teasing she was sure to get. "Regulus."

His head whipped round to face her with a grin on his face. "Aye, you're writing my brother?" he said, leaning forward and nudging her over Remus's arm.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, I quite liked his company. Besides, it's another person to tell all about your childhood memories."

Sirius glared. "I swear to Merlin's left ball sack, if you tell him anything or he tells you anything, you better pray that I don't kill you in your sleep, Selwyn."

She smirked back at him. "Oh Merlin and your left ball please, I pray that the O'mighty Sirius Black doesn't kill me in my sleep," she said dramatically, putting her hands together in a praying form.

Sirius laughed as did the others. They joined Lucinda and she and Elizabeth introduced everyone else to Evelyn and Lillian and they walked down to potions together. Severus and Evan a few paces behind and glaring daggers into the back of James' and Sirius' head. Evan and Severus hated James and Sirius. It had been a mutual thing ever since the time at the Gryffindor table when Evan called Lily a mudblood . Ever since then, they hated Evan for it and Severus and Sirius didn't get along for some unknown reason.

When they got to Potions, they sat down in their seats and began the lesson. The rest of the day flew by with DADA, Flying, Herbology and Astronomy.


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