67 | Regulus, the marauders & Mayhem

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Regulus, the marauders & Mayhem

"Mind if me and Regulus join you guys. Were just studying together when you guys came in so.." she said to the four boys who at the sound of Sirius' brother and looked around and saw him three tables over pretending to read a book.

James was first to speak "The more the merrier. REGULUS COME AND SIT OVER HERE WITH US!" James shouted with a wide grin as Sirius shrank into his seat with a fixed glare at James.

Regulus hesitantly and slowly stood from his chair. Elizabeth walked over to him and helped him carry his books over. "You should know there only letting me over there because your here" Regulus mumbled grumpily as he picked up his books.

"Shut up Regulus. James called you over not me. You'll sit next to me and you don't have to talk to the others although it would be preferable if you did so"

"Please don't ever do this again i beg you"

"Let's just see how today goes first"

Elizabeth sat at the end of the library table, Peter the opposite end to her. James and Sirius on her right, Sirius closest to her and Regulus and Remus to her left. Remus next to Peter and Regulus closest to her aswell. Making Sirius and Regulus opposite one another. Elizabeth smirked between the two but dropped it when she saw Regulus send her a warning look. So she kicked Sirius under the table gently and opened a book.

Sirius cleared his throat awkwardly "So uh.. how are you Reg"

Regulus face remained unreadable and with no expression as usual "Fine" he said bluntly.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes "We just found out Barty is with Rose. That was shocking but i then found out this one knew a week ago"

"Who and who?" James asked.

"Rose Clementine and Barty Crouch" Regulus said

"The minister?" Peter asked.

"Obviously not" Sirius and Regulus said at the exact same time, Elizabeth smirked over to James and Remus at the similarities of the two Black brothers.

"What were you two studying?" Sirius asked trying to make up conversation.

"Potions" Regulus said.

"Picked a good study partner for it then" he laughed "How's it going along"

"It was going fine"

Sirius swallowed nervously "Sorry" he mumbled looking away. Elizabeth looked at him weirdly, Sirius Black was never this shy to anyone. Least of all his brother.

They sat in awkward silence for a few minutes. Elizabeth looking between James and Remus and having conversations with there eyes. They were racking there brains trying to think of subjects for the brothers to talk about.

"What time is the party tonight again Sirius?" she asked.

Sirius shrugged "Fuck if i know. Whenever Mary wants it to i guess"

"Your coming aren't you Regulus?" James asked politely.

"I don't drink"

Elizabeth gave him a weird look too "Since when. The amount of times me you and Barty have stolen bottles and got wasted i can't even count on one hand"

Regulus shrugged "Don't think i'm going to be doing that this year"

"How come?" Remus asked, genuinely curious "Your only what... twelve?"

Regulus gave a short nod "I suppose there's no real reason too. Besides as you said I'm twelve. I shouldn't be doing that so young"

"He's coming and he's drinking" Elizabeth said opening the book again "Now back to studying"

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