78 | Dementors & Ghosts

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Dementors & Ghosts

The next four days past by Elizabeth in a haze. She skipped dinner the first night and breakfast the following morning after Lillian's death. Andromeda had remained at Hogwarts but hadn't left the confines of her common room yet. Elizabeth couldn't blame her. Classes were back on after a memorial speech from Dumbledore, Elizabeth didn't attend. She went to lunch and ignored the whispers, the sad looks and fear in people and stayed with Lily or Derek for meals. She refused to talk about it with the Professor's, her friends and she avoided looking to the Slytherin table. For a number of reasons, she wouldn't see two of her best friends there, she would kill Cassilda she was her smiling or having any means of enjoyment. The only time she did look over was to see Regulus. He missed classes that day too and stayed with Elizabeth in her dormitory and held her as they lay silently. Just happy to be with each other.

Thursday morning she tried to go to class. Marlene woke her up gently and she went to Defense, her Professor had ignored her the whole lesson, not out of kindness that was made clear from the accusing glares he was giving her. (People seemed to now think it was Elizabeth who had poisoned Lillian.) When Care of Magic's creatures rolled around she couldn't bring herself to go without Lillian there, so she went back to her dormitory and laid silently as her mind relived that horrible morning two days ago.

The cycle repeated, she'd wake up. Sit between Derek and Lily for breakfast go to some classes and skip Care of Magical Creatures specifically, then go to meals and then to her dorm for a nap. Regulus would come up and hold her and talk to her about his day, this actually really helped Elizabeth to take her mind off things and then she went to dinner. People kept whispering, pointing fingers and avoiding her but she couldn't give a damn as Saturday morning came and Elizabeth was glued to the bed.

It was the day that Elladora would lose very thing. The dementors would be sucking out her soul and her mother would be but a shell of a women by the end of the day. Today was the last day she would be herself and this time tomorrow she'd be a stranger, if Elizabeth could even see her but she couldn't because she had the rest of her life to spend in Azkaban.

Elizabeth slumped down on the bench between Derek and Lily. She hadn't slept much the night before, her eyes red, bags beneath her eyes and lips dry as nails. Elizabeth shook her head and slouched her jaw against the base of her hand.

"Take it you didn't sleep much last night?" Marlene asked.

Elizabeth shook her head slowly, eyes closed "Nope"

"Why don't you take a nap? Skip first period?" Julia said smartly. It was a good decision and Elizabeth wasn't entirely sure if she would agree or not and put herself through even more stress.

"I might although I don't think I'll sleep. Perhaps take a walk. I don't know if I can sit through charms for an hour today" she chuckled lightly.

"Me neither and that's on a good day" Peter joked.

"I find it relaxing" Derek said looking affronted.

"Course you do Der" Elizabeth nudged his shoulder gently with her elbow.

"Good morning"

Elizabeth's smile fell and she lowered her arm slowly. She stared blankly ahead, just past Marlene's shoulder with a deep frown etched into her face.

"Are you not going to talk to me?"

Elizabeth raised her chin and still did not answer.

"I didn't kill Lillian" Cassilda pleaded "You know I would never do that to you, I have no reason-"

Elizabeth scoffed "No reason except the mother you begged me for weeks to get out of Azkaban?"

Cassilda sighed "I didn't kill Lillian. She was my friend too"

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