Going out in the rain

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Prompt - I loved that Kelsey was Nathan's biological mom. Maybe a part 2? Nath could be sick (a cold) and he doesn't tell Kelsey or Tom because he's afraid of the doctor and he also went out in the rain (how he got sick) after they told him not to a few times.


He knew it was wrong to go out in the rain but he was only eleven years old. Blame his young age for thinking it was fun to play football with his friends in the rain but Nathan really had fun playing in the rain with Siva, Max and Jay. But now when he was on the way to return home, it didn’t seem to be such a good idea after all. His mum, Kelsey and dad, I mean step dad, Tom had warned him about no going out in the rain otherwise he would fall sick and Tom précised sick or not, he would roast Nathan’s bottom if the boy went out in the rain.

Standing in front of the door, Nathan looked outside carefully and found out that his parents’ cars were still not here means he could sneak in and change his clothes quickly. That’s exactly what he did and quickly threw his clothes in the bathroom when he heard his parents return home. “Nathan, where are you?” Kelsey shouted as soon as she and Tom came inside. “Hi mum, hi Dad” Nathan mumbled, running down the stairs. “How many times have I told you not to run down the stairs” Kelsey scolded Nathan. “Sorry mum” Nathan said. “Hey champ, look we bought you board games. It’s the rainy season so I figured we could use these to keep you from going out and from getting bored too” Tom said. “Thank you Dad” Nathan said, giving Tom a hug. “Why’s your hair wet?” Tom asked as he gave Nathan’s hair a ruffle. “Just got out of the shower” Nathan lied, quickly running away with the board games. “Slow down Nath!” Kelsey shouted, “I tell you this kid will give me a heart attack.” Tom chuckled and pulled Kelsey in a hug.

Nathan knew he was getting sick. His cheeks were burning, his nose was running and his chest was hurting. He had thought that he’ll somehow manage to get through the night. But unfortunately, nothing can escape Kelsey and Tom’s eyes. At dinner, Nathan couldn’t even manage his meal and that really made Tom and Kelsey suspicious. “Nath, you okay?” Tom asked. “I’m fine” Nathan said but he had to stop to sneeze. “Are you fine, baby? Oh my god, Tom, Nathan has a fever” Kelsey said, pressing her hand to Nathan’s forehead. “Let me see. Alright, let’s see if we can get you some medicine” Tom said, lifting Nathan in his arms. Nathan pressed his face in Tom’s chest and whined when Kelsey tried to give him medicine.

The next thing Nathan knew was that Tom had put him in bed. “I think we should put a cool cloth on his forehead. It will get the fever down” Tom said. “I’ll go get it” Kelsey said. She returned back five minutes later with the cool cloth and with Nathan’s wet clothes. “I think he went out in the rain. He had hidden his wet clothes in the bathroom.” Kelsey said. “This boy will get it from me. I had said not to go out in the rain” Tom said. “Let him get better then I won’t stop you. Besides he listens to you better so you should be the one disciplining him” Kelsey said and gave Tom a hug.

Coming morning, Nathan was no better. The fever was still there and when Tom and Kelsey checked his temperature, they decided to take Nathan to the doctor. “No, I won’t go to the doctor” Nathan cried. “Baby, don’t be like that” Kelsey said as she helped Nathan wear his shoes. “No doctor, mom please” Nathan cried. “Come on, let’s go” Tom said as he made Nathan stand up. “Not going” Nathan whined, crossing his arms. Tom turned Nathan sideways and gave the boy five smacks on his backside.


“Dad” Nathan cried. “I said enough. You have a fever and your mum and I want you to get checked by the doc, alright” Tom said, scooping Nathan up as they walked to the car to get Nathan to the doctor. Nathan was quietly napping in Tom’s arms when he felt a cold thing to his chest. Blinking his eyes open, he found the doctor with his stethoscope to his chest. “Just listening to your chest. Don’t worry your Dad is right here” the doctor said as he watched Nathan whip his head to look around. Nathan looked up at Tom and got a reassuring smile from Tom. “He definitely caught the flu. I’ll just like to give him an injection for the flu and I think he’ll be fine” the doctor said. Hearing the word injection, Nathan started struggling in Tom’s arms. This was part of the reason why Nathan didn’t want to come to the doctor. “Nath, baby, it will be over soon. Relax” Kelsey said, rubbing Nathan’s arms. But Nathan was having none of it, he continued struggling until, Tom set him down and turned him sideways again, giving him five swats again.


“Now you stop it and take the injection and then we go home, okay?” Tom asked and tried to keep the stern look but when he saw Nathan nod while crying it was enough for him to melt. He scooped Nathan in his arms again and rubbed Nathan’s back, quietly mumbling ‘you’re fine. Daddy’s got you’ to calm Nathan down. Nathan didn’t even realize when the doctor had approached him with the needle and didn’t even feel his jeans and boxers going down slightly. But he did feel the injection stinging as it went just a little above the sore spot he’d just been spanked. Letting out a little yelp, he buried his head in Tom’s shoulder and continued crying as he felt the doctor remove the needle and Tom fix his jeans again. He felt Kelsey dropping a kiss on his forehead but he still clung to Tom as the man rocked him slightly in his arms to get him to calm down.

He had fallen asleep in Tom’s arms again and this time when he woke up, he was in his bed with Kelsey sitting next to him and Tom sitting near his legs. “Mom?” Nathan whispered as he sat up slightly and whimpered because of his sore backside. “Aww, come here” Kelsey said, hugging his little boy for a while. “You know we need to talk, right buddy? We told you not to go out in the rain and look what happens when you don’t listen to us. You had to go to the doc and even take an injection” Tom said. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I’m sorry Mommy.” Nathan mumbled, tears slipping down his cheeks again. “It’s okay. Don’t cry” Tom said as he leaned forward to wipe Nathan’s tears. “Will I get punished?” Nathan asked. “You should but since you already got a few swats, got sick and even got an injection. We forgive you but next time you will be getting a spanking, sick or not” Tom warned and before he could continue with his stern lecture, he got an arm full of Nathan. “Thank you Daddy” Nathan said before yelping again as Tom’s pat to his backside reminded him of his injection.

“Aww, did the injection hurt someone’s little bum?” Tom teased. “Should Mommy and Daddy kiss it better?” Kelsey teased her son too. “Mom, Dad” Nathan whined, hiding under the covers. Next time, he really will not go out in the rain because it earned him a very sore bum not with a spanking but because of the injection. No going out in the rain again!


Dedicated to @tasha5_xox!

Thank you to all those reading!

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xx Hailey

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