No puppy eyes - Jay's in charge

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Prompt -  can u maybe write one where the boys go out and leave jay in charge of nath,but nath doesnt really see jay as an athourity cuz he usually just gives him small smacks and thats it. So jay keeps warning Nath to stop curseing, being urde having an attitude or he was going to spank him. and jay keeps giving him warning smacks, until finally jay spanks him and tells him he needs to respect him


“Yeah babe! I’ll meet you there. Sharp 11 am.” Tom sighed getting off the phone. He was going to meet Kelsey today for a romantic lunch at her girlfriend’s place. “Hey” Siva greeted Tom as he walked in the kitchen grabbing a cup of tea. “Hey there, wassup?” Tom asked Siva smiling as Siva gave him a cup of tea as well. “Tom, actually I planned to meet up with Nareesha today." Siva hesitated. "Yeah sure mate. Actually even I’m meeting up with Kelsey today." Tom gave Siva's back a pat. "Oh great! Even I'm going to meet Nina today. So, who's staying with Baby Nath?" Max questioned glancing at both his mates.

"Fine Tom. I got it. Take care of Nath, I can do that, mates." Jay sighed letting his body fall on the couch. "If he misbehaves then you spank him, Jay. Don't let him get off easily." Max warned giving Jay a pointed look. "Yeah! Yeah! I know. And I will spank him but only if need be." Jay said. "Well best of luck ignoring those puppy eyes! Personal experience" Siva smirked. Jay looked at Siva before bursting out in laughs. Siva could never bring himself to spank Nathan and Jay was no better. With Siva and Jay around, Nathan always gets away with a few swats. All Nathan had to do was start crying and both Siva and Jay will melt down bringing an end to the spanking.

“Nath, we’re going. You better behave. And Jay has the permission to spank you and he will. Don’t think you can get away.” Tom warned. Nathan nodded. “So, Jay, what’s the plan for today?” Nathan asked Jay sitting down on the couch beside him. “What do you want to do?” Jay asked. “Watch a movie?” Nathan shot his puppy eyes at Jay. Jay laughed, “Sure kiddo.” Jay walked into the kitchen to get popcorn. He glanced back to see Nathan who had already put in Avatar movie and was on his phone. This kid won’t cause me trouble. The others were worried for nothing, Jay thought.

He handed Nathan some popcorns and relaxed watching the movie. Avatar, Jay’s favorite movie. He was watching intently when he heard giggling. He looked over to Nathan who was giggling at something on his phone. He leaned towards Nathan to get a look at his phone when he gasped looking at the language Nathan was using to text his friend. “Nath! What kind of language is that? You know better than swearing. I see one more word like this and you hand me your phone, alright?” Jay warned. “Yeah! Yeah!” Nath shrugged.

Halfway through the movie, Nathan had let his phone on the couch to go get a glass of water. His phone beeped. Jay looked at it taking it in his hands when Nathan came and snatched it from him. Jay shot him a look but shrugged thinking it must be some girl. Nathan sat close to Jay but focusing on his phone. When the movie was over Jay looked up to Nathan thinking the kid would be asleep but instead his eyes grew wide when he saw Nathan was still texting his friend and using the same language he was warned against. Jay shook his head, “Nath give me the phone.” Nathan looked up with his puppy eyes, “What? Why? Its nothing. Don’t you trust me?” “Don’t you dare act innocent in front of me. I told you not to swear. And before you whine, I don’t care if you were not saying it but texting it. It is the same thing.” Jay told him sternly.

“No.” Nathan pouted. Jay tried to tug the phone out of Nathan’s hands when Nathan stood up screaming “Fuck off Jay. I’m not a child. You cannot order me or punish me. Never mind, I know you can never punish me.” Jay looked at Nathan before making up his mind. He pulled Nathan by his wrist towards the kitchen sink wetting a wash cloth and putting liquid soap on it. “Open up!” Jay asked Nathan. Nathan shook his head. Jay turned him sideways giving him two swats before pushing the wash cloth in Nathan’s mouth. Nathan gagged tears streaming down his face. Jay looked at him already feeling bad. He pushed aside his guilt knowing the kid deserved it, “two minutes.” After two minutes, he took out the wash cloth letting Nathan rinse his mouth.

Nathan turned around looking at Jay with tears streaming down his face. He was startled when Jay pulled him towards the couch. “Jay, what?” Nathan asked confused. He’d expected a few swats but not a spanking. “Come on baby. You know you deserve the spanking, right? You were told, you’ll be spanked if you don’t behave.” Jay told him calmly pulling him over his lap. Nathan burst out in tears as he felt Jay pulling his jeans and boxers down.

Jay had to harden his heart to spank Nathan but he knew it was necessary. But first he had to calm the kid down. The last thing they want is Nathan having an asthma attack. That will drive Jay into guilt for years to come. “Calm down Nath. The spanking hasn’t even started buddy.” Jay rubbed Nathan’s back for a few moments. As soon as Nathan settled down, Jay adjusted him on his lap bringing his hand down on Nathan’s backside as a warning before starting.

SWAT SWAT You do SWAT SWAT NOT SWAT SWAT curse at people SWAT SWAT not even in messages. SWAT SWAT Heard me SWAT SWAT And you don’t SWAT SWAT try to SWAT SWAT manipulate me SWAT SWAT I will spank you SWAT SWAT if need be SWAT SWAT you need to give me a little SWAT SWAT respect SWAT SWAT buddy. SWAT SWAT And do NOT SWAT SWAT curse at me SWAT SWAT or this would be SWAT SWAT worse SWAT SWAT

“I’m sorry Jay. So sorry.” Nathan started blubbering as soon as Jay righted him and pulled him forward to lean his head on his chest. Jay rubbed his back. “I know baby. Its done. Its all over now. Shush down, buddy.” “I did not mean to curse at you. Was mad. Thought you will not spank.” Nathan hiccupped into Jay’s chest. Jay snickered, “Now you know that I will spank you if you’re bad.” Nathan looked up at him, “How come you and the boys can curse and not me?” Jay smiled lovingly at him “Do as we say Nath not as we do. And don’t forget you’re still a baby. Babies don’t curse.” “Not a baby” Nathan muttered.

The boys came back to an amazing scene of Nathan asleep in Jay’s lap. “So, I guess the baby did something to be spanked for.” Max asked noticing the tear tracks and leaning forward to wipe them off Nathan’s face. “Yeah. But its taken care of.” Jay said. Nathan huffed burying his face into Jay’s shoulder. Jay laughed, “And he says he is not a baby.”


I hope this one's good! Its for you sweetheart.

Hope you did good in exams..

Please vote/read/comment/prompt. I have like only one prompt left!  :(

xx Hailey

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