Bad Jokes

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Prompt - Hey there! You know, I was watching this video "truth or dare with the wanted on fuzz" and a prompt came to my mind. On one part, where the boys are asked which one of them is the biggest scaredy cat in the band they all point Nathan, and previously they had been teasing Nathan for being physically weak. I was thinking that Nathan could get really angry at the boys for teasing him, maybe swear and be rude to the people in the show, so Tom takes him backstage and spanks him.


Nathan was one who could never take jokes well. He never seem to know when someone was joking or telling the truth. He would certainly crack some jokes himself but to hear jokes especially about him isn’t something Nathan can deal with. It either results in him feeling bad or he gets really frustrated and angry. With the boys, he had been able to digest some of the jokes but there were times when he couldn’t even take jokes from the boys itself.

It was one of those days today when all what Nathan wanted to do was sleep. But this wasn’t going to happen, obviously! He felt Max pulling his blankets off him and sat up groaning. “Baby Nath, we have an interview today so let’s get rolling. Come on quick! We’ll save you some breakfast!” Max said. Nathan whined shuffling to the bathroom. Well, at least they were saving him breakfast! Nathan thought as he got ready quickly.

He was already in a sleepy mood and even the boys felt bad for him when the make up artist shouted at Nathan to get his attention. Nathan just wanted people to leave him alone! But they were all making so much noise around him that it was just making him crankier. “Come on mate! It’s just one interview for the day and then you can sleep as long as you want.” Siva told Nathan. Nathan nodded gulping down his coffee to feel more awake.

Nathan tried his best to concentrate in the interview but he could feel himself getting sleepy again. The boys also noticed that and they decided to add some fun to the next part of the interviews. It was the truth or dare segment! The first question had all the boys laughing and pointing at Siva but as soon as the interview went on, Nathan could feel himself becoming the target of the jokes. And he didn’t quite like the jokes especially since he felt like they were trying to label him as being physically weak in front of them.

The next question was about the Spice Girls and Nathan knew he would be tagged as the baby spice since he was the baby of the band. The ‘awws’ in the background from the girls were as if confirming that he was the baby and hence the weakest among the boys. But what really had Nathan’s blood boiling was when the interview asked who would be the first to get raped when in jail. Of course all the boys pointed to him. Nathan glared at the interview and at Max who went on to give them a demo of why Nathan would get raped at first.

Nathan tried to defend himself by changing the topic to Max’s sexual fantasies but the interviewer was like hell bent on Nathan itself. The glare that Nathan sent the interviewer had no effect on him as he continued on with those kinds of questions but the glare didn’t go unnoticed by Max and Tom. Tom leaned over to Nathan whispering, “Knock off the attitude or I’ll knock it off for you!” Nathan stifled a whine as the interviewer went on with the next question.

But this question had Nathan fuming. When the interviewer asked who was the biggest scaredy cat between the five of them, they all pointed to Nathan again. And this time, Nathan didn’t stop the curses that flew out of his mouth. “I’m not. Jay is the wimp not me!” Nathan shouted. “Nath” Max said. “No, fuck you Max! I’m not a wimp! You all are!” Nathan shouted. Tom stood up whispering, “Shut up!” Tom then turned to the interviewers, “can we have a break? And please edit that last part of Nathan swearing. We’ll be right back!” Tom said pulling Nathan backstage.

“Leave me! Let me go!” Nathan whined as Tom dragged him backstage. “Shut up! What’s wrong with you? It’s just an interview. And we’re all joking around. What took you to be cursing on TV? We have young fans out there, Nath!” Tom shouted. Nathan felt a little guilty as he heard Tom but then he was just cranky today and he doesn’t quite like jokes. So, crankiness and bad jokes were not such a good mix for him. “No” Nathan mumbled as he felt Tom pull him over his lap and push down his jeans and boxers. “I’ll be quick” Tom said as he started.

SWAT SWAT You should SWAT SWAT know how SWAT SWAT to behave SWAT SWAT at an interview Nath SWAT SWAT You know SWAT SWAT better than SWAT SWAT cursing SWAT SWAT out there SWAT SWAT And you know SWAT SWAT we were all joking SWAT SWAT no one SWAT SWAT meant to hurt you SWAT SWAT Nath SWAT SWAT so you better SWAT SWAT drop off SWAT SWAT the attitude SWAT SWAT and behave SWAT SWAT properly this time SWAT SWAT Got it SWAT SWAT Nath SWAT SWAT

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry!” Nathan sobbed as he felt Tom pull up his boxers and jeans and settle him on his lap. “It’s alright. It’s okay now!” Tom said as he rubbed Nathan’s back. “I thought you guys meant I am weak” Nathan cried. “Oh baby! We’re just joking along with the guy there! We don’t mean you’re weak, baby Nath! But that doesn’t mean you’re not baby of the band! That’s something else! But none of us meant that you’re physically weak or whatsoever!” Tom explained. Nathan nodded cuddling further in Tom. “Come on we should get back” Tom said pulling Nathan up. “I feel sleepy!” Nathan said. “I know! The interview will be over soon, I promise” Tom said as he led Nathan back to the sets.

Nathan apologized to the audience and to the boys along with the interviewers for being rude. The boys gave him a nod as the audience gushed about how kind hearted Nathan was. The interview went on with the interviewer asking the boys to crowd surf and they all look to Nathan but then Tom faked a cough and the boys led Tom to do the crowd surfing. Nathan wouldn’t have been able to do that with a freshly spanked bottom.

After the interview, as soon as the boys got in the car, Nathan cuddled up to Tom already fast asleep. “He doesn’t know how to take jokes!” Tom whispered. “Yeah? And he also was so tired and sleepy!” Jay said. Siva leaned forward rubbing Nathan’s back. “Let him sleep, boys! If he wakes up he’ll be crankier!” Max said chuckling softly as the car reached home.


Dedicated to one sweetheart @Psparkle022!

Thank you to those reading!

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xx Hailey

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