Crossing the line

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Prompt - This is a little different but, one of the first times that the boys moved in together, Nath has started to misbehave, so the boys threaten him with many things one thing being that they would call his mum. After some other threats the boys call him mum, Nath's mom comes to the house and sees just out of control Nath is so she yells at him scolding him on his behavior telling him he should just pack up and go home(the boys think she actually will so they try to bargain with Nath's mum for him to stay, she listens to the boys but then decides what should be Nath's punishment for the way he's behaved towards the boys so they were allowed to see Nath get spanked, Nath keeps protesting to his mum until she threatens him again so he complies. After the spanking and comfort his mum talks to the boys telling them they have permission to spank Nath if he misbehaves again. After she leaves, maybe Jay hugs and carries Nath since Nath is embarrassed and upset that he got spanked in front of the boys by his mum!

Prompt – Nath's mom comes to the house and she sees that he is out of control the boys are at their wits end, so Karen talks to the boys telling them they need to step in to the role of disciplinarian for Nath, they hesitate saying he's like their little brother and they can't really do anything since he's their friend and they don't really know what to do when he misbehaves since he just apologizes and it's over. Karen sees firsthand what the boys meant when Nath misbehaves with them and she decides the boys need to see how to handle a naughty boy so she scolds her son and then spanks him later sending him to the corner the other boys are shocked and some are remembering when their mums did that to them. And yeah you decide an ending :)


Everything has a limit and Nathan was slowly crossing that limit. The boys were not only each other's bandmates but they also looked after each other as brothers. But recently Nathan had been nothing more than a little pest. From arguing for absolutely no reason to the underage drinking, the boys had had enough of the boy. And in such a situation they could only think about one person to help them out. Who better than Nathan's mom?

For some days the boys had been threatening Nathan that they would call his mother but the boy didn't even pay any attention to the warnings. This why he was in for a shock when he saw his mother at the door after a violent argument with the boys. The boys had been asking Nathan to stay at home instead of going out since they had a band meeting afterwards but the boy had completely lashed out at them. "Couldn't you confirm with me before putting the meeting now. I have promised my friends to meet them up" Nathan shouted. "The meeting will only take roughly an hour..." Jay tried to explain but Nathan was quick to shove at him, in anger. "Nathan Sykes, you didn't just do that" a voice came from the door and when Nathan turned back, he saw his mother.

"Mom?" Nathan gasped. "How dare you shout like that and shove Jay? What If he had gotten hurt?" Karen shouted. Nathan looked slightly guilty. "You clearly need to be punished" Karen sighed. "No you can't" Nathan shouted. "Yeah, I can't? Then I think you should pack up and return home. You don't deserve to be in the band maybe" Karen said. "What? No you can't do this" Max stopped her. "Please Karen, you can't take Nathan back" Tom said. "You hear that Nath? You've been so rude to them and yet they're taking your side" Karen said, "If he is to stay here, then he needs to be punished." Nathan barely had the time to say something when he felt his mother pull him over his lap. Soon his jeans and boxers were pushed down as Karen started spanking the boy.


I have not raised a rude boy as my son


I'm clearly disappointed in you


This is no way to behave with your bandmates


I want no more shouting or shoving


You get that? Or else it's back home


Karen ended the spanking as she pulled Nathan to cuddle in his lap. "Shush down my baby. I got you." Karen soothed the crying boy. "I'm sorry" Nathan mumbled. "You should say sorry to the boys" Karen said and that's when Karen noticed the shocked faces around, "Nath, corner time for a while okay?" While Nathan went to the corner, Karen turned to the boys to explain, "This is exactly what Nathan needed and this what I trust you boys to do to him whenever he crosses line" Karen said. "But Nath's our little brother, we can't..." Siva trailed off. Tom and Max shared a look with each other before looking over at Karen. "I trust you boys" Karen said. "If that's what he needs" Tom said. When they heard a grunt from the corner, Karen was quick to shout, "You want round two?" His mother's stern voice soon had the boy break in tears again as Jay hurried to get to the boy. Scooping Nathan up in his arms, Jay said, "I think someone needs a nap."

While Jay went to put Nathan in bed, Karen had the boys promise him that along with taking care of the boy they will also punish him whenever he gets out of line. And the boys made a promise that day, "if he crosses the line, he'll be punished." Unaware of the discussion downstairs, Nathan slept fitfully. Maybe even he knew that he was in good hands.


Dedicated to Nazzayah!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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