Too good for his own good!

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1) Prompt- You havta spanked siva! Get him to bruise and crying! Please

2) Prompt - maybe Nathan breaks something really important and of a lot of meaning of Tom or Max and he makes it look like it was Siva cuz he had heard Tom and max say that they would spank Siva and jay if needed oh! Or maybe since Tom and max both stopped smoking they don't want any of the other boys to have that sort of habit and they tell them that if they ever found any of them smoking or with a pack or anything related to it they would instantly be spanked so one day Nath was hanging out with his friends and trying to smoke when Siva saw him and takes him home and again Siva doesn't like to spank and cause pain to the baby so he just grounds him taking away everything his electronics including his keyboard and as payback he puts the pack in Siva’s room where the boys would find it and after finding it Siva tries to defend himself and starts to say the truth that it was Nathan who did it but Nath has on an innocent act saying I can't believe you would do that and the boys are shocked and angry that Siva is blaming Nath and not saying it was him. Afterwards Siva is so shocked and betrayed by Nath that he can't talk so in that time Tom or max spanks in front of Nath and jay to also show them what would happen if they smoked. In the middle (haha yeah you know the song no? Ok) of the spanking Nath feels guilty and tells them to stop and confesses and he gets spanked and later on Nath goes to Sivas room and says sorry and hug it out


Tom and Max were heavy smokers but they knew the dangers of smoking. That was the main reason why they always forbid their younger ones no to smoke. They were themselves trying to cut off from smoking. Tom had always said if he found out any of them be it Jay, Siva or Nathan with a cigarette he would blister their butts with the belt. Smoking was a big offence for them and Max had said if he catches anyone smoking there would be no forgiving.

Usually Nathan took these warnings seriously, but since a few days he’s been seeing Tom, Max and Justin Bieber smoke, he’d been tempted to try one. One won’t do any harm and no one would know. So, he snuck in Tom’s room removing one cigarette and returned to his room lighting one up. He took a puff and coughed a little. Then, he decided he liked it and took another puff. He was so lost in enjoying his first cigarette that he didn’t see Siva getting in the room. “Nath” Siva whispered in shock.

“Seev, it was just one. Please?” Nathan pleaded. Siva shook his head in disbelief. He knew he should spank Nathan but he couldn’t. It was hard for him to spank the youngest. “Look Nath. You know I can’t spank you but that doesn’t mean I won’t punish you. You’re grounded. And your phone and laptop, I’m taking it away. But if I find you with one more cigarette, I’ll tell Tom or Max and they’ll warm your backside for sure.” Siva warned. “I promise but don’t take my phone or laptop please. I need them.” Nathan begged. “No way Nath, this is part of your punishment.” Siva said moving out.

Problem solved? No! When Tom got back home, he was craving for a cigarette. He knew he shouldn’t but come on only one. He opened his pack but found only three cigarettes instead of four. He was sure there were four. That means one of the boys smoked. “Max, Jay, Siva, Nath, get down!” Tom shouted. Unaware of what’s the matter, the boys hurried down only to find Tom fuming with anger holding his cigarette pack.

“I know it’s not Max! He has his pack and he was out with me. So, which one of you smoked one of my cigarettes?” Tom yelled. “Not me!” Jay answered. But Siva and Nathan stayed quiet. “Seev? Nath?” Tom asked. “It was” Siva trailed off. “It was Seev!” Nathan cut Siva off. Siva had taken his phone and laptop when he told him that he needed those. A little punishment would be fun! Siva stared at Nathan in disbelief. “No, it was Nathan! How could you?” Siva said in shock. “It was Siva. When I saw him, he threatened to get you or Max to spank me and took my phone and laptop. If you don’t believe me then ask him. Didn’t he say he’ll get one of you to spank me and isn’t my phone and laptop with him?” Nathan defended himself.

Baby of The Band - The Wanted spanking ficWhere stories live. Discover now