Parenthood's feeling

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1) Prompt - Well you know how tom says he is going to take care of him feeling ignore and then Kelsey says he makes them feel like parents well I like that and maybe the next update you could have them babying Nathan to extremes and Kelsey is always around doing the same and Nathan is not liking it at all he just wants attention but not this much so he lashes out on Kelsey and Tom screaming how their not his parents but sees their upset and disappointed faces and starts crying saying how he secretly liked all the attention but he felt like a utter baby but tom says it's all right to be his baby and fluffy ending. Yay please and thanks you

2) Maybe they take turns so sometimes Kels and Tom will look after him more as parents and then Siva and Nareesha will look after him like parents except Siva and Nareesha are a bit more strict or overly protective and Tom and Kels are a bit more relaxed but still strict. When Nath lashes out at them he sees how the girls, Tom and Siva react and apologizes and they all tell him how he made them all feel like parents and the loved Nath like a little brother but sometimes it seemed like good practice for later on how to look after and discipline a child. Nath then hugs the girls and Tom and Siva.


Nathan loved the attention he gets from the boys and even from the girls. You could clearly see how he loves being doted on. He enjoyed being fussed over but within limits. The boys knew that! And since the little sneaking off incident to Kelsey’s party, Tom and Kelsey had become really protective of Nathan. Not only Tom and Kelsey but Siva and Nareesha were also getting much more protective of the baby of the band. It felt like Nathan had gotten two couples as parents and he really liked all this attention.

From childhood itself Nathan hadn’t quite gotten the care, attention and affection needed from his parents and when his parents got separated, Nathan could no longer expect that kind of attention and affection from his mother with whom he stayed with. That was the main reason why though he would tell the boys to stop babying him, Nathan secretly loved how the boy made him feel and to be honest he was happy the boys were there to discipline him.

Kelsey and Nareesha loved Nathan as their little brother but since the boys allowed them to spank Nathan and they dished out their first spanking to the boy, they felt a strange connection with the boy. Nathan was surely making them turn into mothers for the boy. And Nathan loved that as his own mother was always so preoccupied in work and though Karen did her best to be there for her son but she also had to take care of her daughter. Thus Nathan didn’t get enough attention from her this why he was making the most of the attention he got from Kelsey and Nareesha.

Nathan loved it whenever Tom asked him to accompany him to Kelsey’s. Today, they were supposed to go shopping. Nathan loved how Tom and Kelsey were putting him forward in everything. Clothes for Nathan first! Shoes for Nathan first! Nathan had even laughed at Tom’s face when Kelsey told Tom that first they’ll shop for Nathan and then for them. And Tom’s face was worth to see when he caught a look at the shopping bill but then ‘Anything for Baby Nath!’

Special treats for Nathan was when he would get to go along with Kelsey and Tom when Tom would be dj’ing. Tom loved to see the proud look on Nathan’s face as he enjoyed himself there. But though Kelsey would be constantly watching him, warning him not to drink or flirt. Sometimes Nathan would whine at the restrictions but most of the times he would be content just to have a good time with Kelsey and Tom. But there were also times when Tom would be pulling Nathan to the club’s bathroom for a spanking and though Nathan would be sporting a sore backside for the rest of time spent in the club he would be glad for the extra attention that Kelsey and Tom would give him after a spanking.

Baby of The Band - The Wanted spanking ficWhere stories live. Discover now