Sneaking off to the party

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Prompt - Maybe you could do one where they have stopped partying as much because they are too busy working. Then Nathan starts feeling upset because everyone is so busy and ignoring him. Kelsey notices and after a long time of begging she finally agrees to take him to a party. When Nathan gets caught Kelsey spanks him.


It had been days since Nathan went to a party. A single freaking party! Why? Because currently, The Wanted was busy working on their next album to be launched! Even Tom and Max seemed to be too preoccupied to even think about party. Siva wasn’t such a party boy and Jay also didn’t have time for parties lately. But Nathan hadn’t gotten used to The Wanted parties so much that he was craving for a party.

In fact, Tom, Max, Siva and Jay had been so busy lately that they started paying less attention to their youngest. Nathan didn’t appreciate it at all. He worked along with them but they would be to focus in work and when they come back home, the four eldest would just go crash into their rooms leaving Nathan to feel ignored. While Nareesha and Kelsey did their best not to let Nathan feel ignored, they couldn’t obviously replace the boys.

This is why when Kelsey threw a party; she was keen on inviting the boys. She was quite sad though when they refused saying they had a lot of work a day before that party and they would love to spend the next day sleeping not partying. Even Tom had refused and even begged Kelsey to forgive him for missing out. Kelsey was quite surprised when Nathan called her saying he’ll be coming for the party. Kelsey had made sure to ask him to ask the boys first but Nathan so cleverly lied that Tom said he could go and Kelsey believed him.

The party night, Nathan sneaked out of The Wanted’s House for Kelsey’s party. The boys were already asleep so no one would notice Nathan wasn’t at home, right? When he reached Kelsey’s place, Kelsey pulled him in a corner. “Tom gave you permission, right?” Kelsey asked. “Yeah, he said I can go.” Nathan lied. “Okay then! Behave yourself! No flirting! No drinking! I’ll drive you home before it gets late.” Kelsey said. “Alright mom” Nathan rolled his eyes. “Don’t get smart with me” Kelsey said sternly before moving to attend her guests.

Nathan was fairly enjoying himself. He met some fans and some friends. His lie was proving good to him but that was until Tom decided to call Kelsey. “Hi Kels” Tom said. “Hi Tom! How I wish you were here?” Kelsey said. “Yeah, I know! But I’m sorry we’re all so tired.” Tom said. “Yeah, Nathan told me you guys went straight to bed.” Kelsey said. “Nathan called you?” Tom asked. “No, he’s here! At the party” Kelsey said. “He was supposed to be in bed not at your party” Tom said. “Wait, you didn’t give him permission to come to the party?” Kelsey asked. “He told you that?” Tom asked. “Yeah! I told him to ask your permission and he told me you gave him” Kelsey said. “He lied! I’m coming to get him!” Tom said. “My party is nearly over. I’ll see the guests off and keep Nathan here.” Kelsey said hanging up.

Nathan was quite surprised when Kelsey announced that the party was over. He watched Kelsey seeing her guests off and when he was about to leave, Kelsey stopped him. “What?” Nathan asked when Kelsey stopped him. “What? I’ll tell you what in a few minutes. Just wait! I have a surprise for you!” Kelsey said. Unaware of everything, Nathan stayed back though he was a little worried if the boys would wake up and find out that Nathan sneaked off.

When he heard the doorbell though, Nathan started suspecting something was wrong. His heartbeat increased rapidly when Kelsey opened the door to let that person in. “Tom” Nathan gasped. “Hi Baby Nath! Weren’t you supposed to be in bed right now?” Tom asked. “I-I” Nathan stammered. “You lied to me that Tom gave you the permission to come to my party when he in fact didn’t even know you were here” Kelsey said. Nathan looked up to two angry faces feeling like a naughty kid caught by his mum and dad.

“I’m sorry” Nathan said. “You will be after I’m done with you” Tom said. “But first” Kelsey said pulling Nathan sideways and giving him ten swats.


This is for lying to me!


“Kels?” Nathan said crying slightly. “You lied to her, Nath. You deserved it. Now get over my lap” Tom said sitting on the couch and tugging on Nathan’s arm. He flipped Nathan over his lap pulling his jeans and boxers down. “Please” Nathan pleaded as Tom started swatting the backside in front of him.

SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT you don’t lie to Kels SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT saying I gave you permission when SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT you never came to ask me SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT or the boys SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT for permission SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT this means SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT you lied and SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT and then sneaked off SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT Never do this again Nathan SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT you heard me SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT or this will be worse SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT

“I’m sorry! So sorry! Will never do it! Sorry!” Nathan sobbed. Tom ended the spanking cuddling Nathan. Nathan was sobbing so much and he was clinging to Tom so hard that Tom wasn’t even able to pull up Nathan’s clothes. Instead he focused on rocking the boy in his arms and getting him to calm down. Nathan, still crying, leaned forward to hug Kelsey spilling his sorry to her for lying to her and as Kelsey rubbed his back, Tom managed to pull up Nathan’s clothes. Nathan hadn’t even realized and that worried Tom. Nathan was still in hysterics. Tom pulled him back in his arms rocking the boy to sleep.

“He was so upset after the spanking” Kelsey said carding her hand through Nathan’s hair. “Yeah! I was a little harsh on him. But lying and sneaking off is a big mistake.” Tom said. “He deserved it but I should have called you and confirmed it.” Kelsey said. “You wouldn’t have known that he would lie” Tom said. “Yeah, but you know lately he’s been feeling quite ignored by you boys maybe that’s why he didn’t bother with permission” Kelsey said. “I know we’ve been really busy and tired but we’ll take care of him as always.” Tom said as he watched the boy peacefully sleeping in his arms. “He makes us feel like parents sometime” Kelsey said. “He makes me feel that all the time” Tom chuckled stifling it when Nathan groaned in his sleep. “Shh… He’ll wake up” Kelsey said.


Dedicated to @softballplayer4

My health is really bad since a few days. Still bad so bear with me for lack of updates and little updates after long time!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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