Flashback - How it began!

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“Hey old man!” Nathan playfully teased Max as he dropped himself on the couch next to Jay. “Nath” Tom warned and watched how the boy looked up in fear before pulling one of the puppy looks that Tom would call ‘the kicked out of the house by my heartless master look.’ Tom snickered at the boy’s antics as Nathan turned to Max spilling out apologies like his life depended on it. Or his little behind depended on it.

Tom sighed. He still remembers the first time he gave Nathan a spanking. Something no one expected but actually happened.

~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~

Three hours. This was more than enough. “Where the hell is Nathan?” Max yelled anger obvious in his tone. The Wanted was supposed to meet Scooter Braun today to discuss their upcoming projects but they couldn’t go with only four members as all five of them were needed.

Siva had taken the job to call Scooter, offer him some apologies and try to reschedule their meeting while Jay once again tried Nathan’s phone which went unanswered AGAIN.

 “Hey guys” Nathan greeted as he entered Tom’s apartment where they were supposed to meet so that Kev could pick them up. “Don’t you hey me! Where were you?” Max stood up walking to Nathan. “None of your business mom.” Nathan answered Max back sarcastically. “It is quite my business, Nath, when we were all told yesterday to meet up at Tom’s place so that Kev could pick us up for the meeting with Scooter. So, WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?”

“Back off mate” Nathan shoved Max slightly to move past him clearly unaffected by Max’s scolding. Who would have thought a sixteen year old kid could be so much of a trouble. Sensing the heat at the moment Siva moved in between Max and Nathan. “Nath, why were late?” he gently asked the boy. “Was sleeping. Didn’t hear the alarm go off.”

“WHAT?” Tom was fuming by this point. “You missed the meeting because you were sleeping. You kept us waiting for three hours.” “Woah, only three hours?” Nathan faked gasp. This did it for Tom. He caught Nathan by his wrist pulling him forward over his lap in a single move, securing him with his left arm pressing down on the younger boy's back.

"Tom. What are you doing?" Nathan asked, trying to sound calm though he was in panic. "Have you totally lost your mind?"

"Maybe," Tom responded grimly, and brought his hand down on Nathan's backside in the first of a series of swats.

"Damn it, Tom," Nathan growled, twisting as much as he dares in a means to get off Tom’s lap. "Stop being a jerk and let me go."

"Sorry; can't do it, Nath," Tom told him, making sure to spread out the stinging swats. He didn't want to leave bruises on the kid after all he is the baby of the band. "I'll let you up when you feel ready to say sorry."

Nathan winced under the onslaught. It had been a long time since he'd been spanked and the experience is even more unpleasant than he remembers.

"You better keep still." He heard Tom.

Nathan bit back a groan at the order, unable to completely still his movements as Tom's hand continues to set him on fire. Writhing brings him some small measure of comfort, but it doesn't stop the smacks from coming in an awful, horrible rhythm. Unable to stop himself, Nathan puts a hand back to block the blows, but it's only caught and pinned neatly behind him. Nathan swears under his breath, his eyes hot and wet with frustration. Tom won't stop until he gives in; he never has. "When you're done with this bloody joke -ow! – out, I'm gonna – ow! Damn it, Tom! – I'm gonna kick your ass!"

"Yeah? You want me to add more swats for that language?" Tom asked, and swats Nathan a little harder. His palm is stinging , and he can only imagine what Nathan's backside feels like. After another minute or two, Nathan's breath is coming in odd little hitches and grunts. Hoping to give Nathan a little more incentive, Tom's next words are stern. "The jeans can come down, you know."

"No. No! Don't. Please don't," Nathan says, tears unexpectedly slipping from his eyes. He buries his head in his free arm, unable to face anyone in the room.

Tom continued raining swats on Nathan's behind occasionally stopping to make sure he was driving the message home.

SWAT, SWAT "When you're told," SWAT, SWAT "to do something," SWAT, SWAT "you don't," SWAT, SWAT "overlook" SWAT, SWAT, SWAT "and act irresponsibly!" SWAT, SWAT "You should have" SWAT, SWAT "called someone to let" SWAT, SWAT, SWAT "us know you" SWAT, SWAT "would be late!" SWAT, SWAT "You don't miss an important meeting" SWAT, SWAT "because you were too lazy to get up," SWAT, SWAT "Do you understand" SWAT, SWAT, SWAT "how much important the meeting was for the band!," SWAT, SWAT "And you better SWAT, SWAT "drop that attitude and behave!," SWAT, SWAT "We waited for three hours Nath" SWAT, SWAT "Siva had to call Scooter and apologize to him! SWAT, SWAT "And Nath, you better hope he reschedule the meeting or this would be worse! SWAT, SWAT

Nathan was getting the message but he still was not dropping his stubborn act. "What's the magic word, Nath?" Tom snickered. Nathan wanted to give Tom a sarcastic reply but he knew in the position he was, this would do no good to his poor bottom. And Nathan was replied by four rapid swats on his backside. "I'm so-sorry" Nathan yelled breaking down in sobs. Tom took notice of that and finished with five more swats on his sit spots.

Tom pulled Nathan to sit on his lap minding his sore bottom. As much as Nathan wanted to pull away from Tom and be mad at him, he couldn't. Instead he melted into Tom's chest when he felt the elder boy rub his back in soothing circles. "You're not gonna do that again, right?" He asked Tom, still hiccupping. "You can dream of that Baby Nath" Tom chuckled. Nathan weakly glared at Tom and they both stood up. That is when they noticed three shocked faces in the living room.

Jay broke out of his shell shocked composure and pulled Nathan in a tight hug. "Didn't know you had a spanking bone in you" Max teased Tom before giving Nathan a hug as well. "You alright Nath?" Siva asked and Nathan nodded.

"This is totally embarrassing and it is not gonna repeat itself, right boys?" Nathan stated before moving towards his room missing the look the four boys gave each others. A look that screamed if need be this situation would be repeated and frankly all four knew this was just the start of a long journey.

~~~~~ End of Flashback ~~~~~

Tom looked at Nathan who was at the receiving end of a tickle fight between himself and Max, Jay and Siva. He sighed. Yup! Just the beginning of a long journey.


I know it is not such a good chapter but I hope it is not that bad xD

Thank you to all those reading.

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Prompts are welcome.

xx Hailey

Baby of The Band - The Wanted spanking ficWhere stories live. Discover now