Trouble at school

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  • Dedicated to @PrincessEliiJolie and @Nazzayah

1) Prompt - Can you do one where Nathan picks a fight at school and the boys get mad at him and spank him and Max tries to speak some sense into him which ends up in Nathan and Max fighting so Nathan gets another spanking but this time with the switch and he just feels really dumb for what he did so he goes and apologizes to the boys and they just hush him? Thanks!!!

2) Prompt - Hey I was wondering if you could do one where Nath is 16, still in school, and the boys find out that he has been skipping school to go be with his friends, after finding out the boys take him home and scold him telling him that from then on one of them will be taking him to school and pick him up from school, and he's grounded and gets a spanking and corner time.


It was hard for Nathan to be a superstar of a boy band and yet keep up with his school work and grades. The boys understood him and always tried to help him in his homework or school project so that he doesn’t lag behind at school. Even management understood Nathan which is why they tried their best to give Nathan enough time between school and band related stuffs. But yet somehow, Nathan had found himself in trouble at school.

Lately, Nathan had been really busy with their latest album. While his school understood the reason for his absence, they yet sent him a list of home works to do keep up with whatever has been done at school. The boys tried their best to help Nathan with those home works but Nathan soon got bored of it and chose the easiest way out. He started skipping school. Nathan knew if the boys came to know about it his backside would be toast that’s why he kept lying to the boys that everything was going fine at school.

But his lies was discovered when one day, Tom got a call from school telling him that Nathan got into a fight. “Boys, we need to go to Nathan’s school right now” Tom said, after he had hung up the phone. “Why? What happened? Is Nathan okay?” Siva asked. “He got into a fight” Tom said and Max raised his eyebrows at that. “What? Nathan and fighting?” Jay asked. “Apparently, that’s the case” Tom said, as the boys hurried to get Kevin to remove the car.

When the boys reached Nathan’s school, they were led to the principal’s office. “Boys, on any other day I would have said it’s a pleasure to meet you all but today we have a more serious matter at hand” the principal said. The boys looked towards Nathan who had the decency to look down. “What’s the matter, Sir? What did Nathan do?” Tom asked. “Listen boys, Nathan got into a fight with a boy at school. None of them were injured and apparently, they were both at fault. Both of them were teasing each other and I presume the fight started because Mike, here” the principal pointed to the other boy, “threatened to inform the office about Nathan skipping school.” The boys looked shock for a while.

“Nathan is skipping school?” Max asked. Since a few days, Max saw how Nathan was more relaxed after coming from school when usually he would be groaning about how tired he is. When Max asked him the reason for being so relaxed and chilled, Nathan blatantly lied that there was no homework and school also was toning down the school work. “Yes, since a few days, he is not attending school regularly and when we asked he said the band is doing promos and stuffs but we started getting news that there is no such thing and I presume, you boys didn’t have a clue about that” the principal said. The boys shook their head.

Max couldn’t believe that Nathan had lied to him but now it seems so obvious. “Is he getting any punishment?” Jay asked. “Look boys, I know next week is your band concert and Nathan will have no time for detention and such thing. Also, it would be a bad thing for your reputation if it leaks out that Nathan was suspended or such thing, so since he hasn’t submitted any of his homework, I would like Nathan to give us that at the end of the month. And I guess also a guarantee that such thing won’t happen again. He is usually a very bright student and personally, I know Nathan is a good boy. So, I’m kind of letting him off the hook this time” the principal said. “Thank you, Sir” Siva said, thanking the principal for his understanding. “I assure you, Sir, such a thing will never ever repeat itself” Max said, finishing with a glare at Nathan.

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