Meeting dad again

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Prompt - Nath's dad comes to see him and the boys let him since Nath said that he wanted to see what his dad wanted, they spend the day together at his house. Nath however starts to be very rude and swears at him constantly his dad keeps letting it slide but Nath makes a comment that really rushes his dad over the edge that he takes Nath and spanks him but Nath keeps fighting with him, When his dad takes him back to the boy's house the boys see Nath is crying and then find out that he was spanked, the boys yell at his dad but his dad tells the boys to check Nath. The boys find out that Nath's bum is just a very light pink, his dad then explains how Nath was very rude and disrespectful to him and when he made that comment he tried to spank him but Nath kept fighting him. He then explains that the very few times that he really did hit Nath was when he was drink the other times he would always lightly spank him, it was mostly his mom who would really spank him. The boys angry with Nath each spank him for the way he behaved spank him and give him a time out. Then they all comfort him and Nath apologizes to his dad and they both cuddle


Nathan was not a big fan of his father. Ever since the man turned his back to him and his family, Nathan had to take care of his family and he swore to never see that man's face again. That man was the reason why Nathan always had a trust issues with male figures in his life. Thankfully though, he overcame that problem with the boys, Kev, Nano and especially Scooter. Nathan gladly gave his father's spot to Scooter.

Recently though, Nathan's father tried to contact his boy and asked to meet him. For a few days, Nathan avoided the man. But then, Nathan agreed to meet him. The boys were shocked when Nathan said he would meet that man. The first few days when Nathan had told them that his father talked to him, Nathan had been so upset and said that he didn't want to meet the man. Now all of a sudden, Nathan had decided that he would go meet his father at the man's apartment and wanted no one to accompany him. The boys had been a little hesitant about it but they allowed Nathan to go with Kevin, who would drop Nathan there and wait for him, and take him back home safely.

Knocking at the door, Nathan was met by a middle aged man. "Hi Nathan! Oh God, you've grown up." Mr. Sykes said. Nathan snorted but allowed the man to lead him inside. "Nath, you'll be alright?" Kev asked. "Yeah, Kev! Just give me half an hour." Nathan assured Kevin. "Your bodyguard?" Mr. Sykes asked. "Yeah, bodyguard and driver too" Nathan said. Mr. Sykes nodded, leading Nathan to the couch. "How are you Nathan? I'm really sorry son, I've practically never been there in your life." Mr. Sykes said. "Oh it's fine you know. If you hadn't left, I wouldn't have stood up for my mum, I wouldn't have found the boys and the band, I wouldn't have found a better father in my band manager. And mostly importantly I would have never known that you're such a bastard" Nathan shouted at his father. "Watch it Nath" His father warned.

Nathan's father had let the few rude comments from the boy to slide since he thought he deserved his son's anger. But as their conversation went on, Mr. Sykes could no longer take it and especially a certain comment from Nathan that he could not ignore. "So what was it Dad? A new woman in your life?" Nathan asked. "What are you talking about son?" Mr. Sykes asked. "Why did you leave mum?" Nathan asked, "and why are you back now. Because of my name, fame or money?" "Nath, mind your tongue kid" Mr. Sykes warned. "Or did you just wanted to have some fun with mum but unfortunately two sins were born out of it, me and my sister" Nathan spat out but this time Mr. Sykes had enough as he pulled Nathan up and sideways.



It was only ten swats but Nathan was already bursting in tears. "What happened here?" Kev asked, bursting through the door. "Kev, he spanked me" Nathan cried. "Come on Baby Nath, we're going" Kev said, pulling Nathan in his side. "Wait Kevin, I promised the boys that I'll drop Nathan home. I'll come along" Mr. Sykes said. Kevin nodded knowing the boys would like to know about this incident. Kev put Nathan to sit in front as he drove to the wanted house.

Hearing Kev's car, Tom was already at the door. Seeing Nathan in tears, Tom was already in anger. "What did you do to Nath?" Tom asked. "Did you hurt him?" Jay asked. "I spanked him" Mr. Sykes said. "I'm going to kill you" Max said. "He spanked me" Nathan sobbed. "It was only a few swats and I wanted to give him more because he totally deserved it" Mr. Sykes said, "you can even check him and see." Sivs pulled Nathan sideways, pulling the boy's jeans and boxers down and as his father had said, Nathan looked like he had just a few swats.

"Listen boys, he was being rude but I tolerated it. But then he said that he and his sister were mistakes and sins that I've committed which is why I completely lost it. See, Nath, I've made many mistakes in my life but I swear you and your sister are not mistakes for me." Mr. Sykes. "You know what I hate you. I have a better Dad than you and that is my Daddy Scooter. You're just a bastard" Nathan shouted. What Nathan didn't expect was for Tom to turn him sideways and spank him.


Whether you like him or hate him, he is your father, Nathan.


You don't be rude to him


Or swear at him


Hurt that Tom spanked him in front of his father, Nathan didn't accept the hug from Tom as he turned to Jay for a hug. "Shush baby, it's okay. I got you" Jay comforted Nathan. "I'm really sorry Nathan. I was trying to fix my mistakes with you but I think now is not the time. And I'm sorry for spanking you. I know you were scared at that time because you always got spanked by your mum and I spanked you only when I was drunk or some light smacks here and there." Mr. Sykes said. "Nathan, come on babe. Be a good boy" Max said, turning Nathan to his father. "I'm sorry for being rude to you but I won't take back my words about Daddy Scooter. He is a better father than you and so are the boys" Nathan said. "I know. You're in good hands baby" Mr. Sykes said, pulling Nathan in a hug that the boy returned half heartedly, before leaving.

"Nath, come here" Tom said, opening his arms for a hug and this time Nathan accepted the hug. Sure, his life was messed up with his father but as long as he had his Daddy Scooter and the boys, Nathan didn't miss his father.


Dedicated to Nazzayah!

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xx Hailey

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