The only one? - Not really!

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Prompt - can you please do one where Jay & Siva lie to Max & Tom again about spanking Nathan and get spanked? But Jay refuses to get over Max's lap and tries to run so it ends him getting a bare bottom wooden spoon spanking instead of just a hand and for Siva can u have him start swearing "this isn't fucking fair!" "why!?" etc and have him get a mouth washing and a belting and at the end Nathan is actually recording the spanking so if u make a part 2 it could be where Nathan puts it up on YouTube and Max spanks Nathan in front of the camera *or in public*


Max and Tom meant it when they said that from now on all the three younger ones will be spanked if needed be it Siva, Jay or Nathan but they hadn’t really thought that the needful will be done so soon. They really weren’t looking forward to spanking Siva and Jay whereas spanking Nathan wasn’t such a big deal for them. It was like routine. Even Nathan was fed up from being spanked every day, he felt like it was just a matter of time when he’d be flipped over someone’s knees.

He walked in the kitchen to find Jay and Siva sitting in the kitchen. Nathan was in a mood to tease people that day. He was having really fun teasing Jay and Siva who got really fed up of Nathan’s fun. But Nathan knew better than teasing Tom and Max. He knew it would earn him a sore bottom. He could tease Jay and Siva as long as he could and just get away with a few smacks. They would never give him a full spanking for small things like that. It was only Tom and Max who thought spanking Nathan is the best way to straighten the boy. Nathan was really denying that spanking helps if anyone asks him but deep he also knew that spanking usually is what helps him keep himself in check.

The boys were all in the kitchen along with Kelsey and Nareesha, Kevin and Nano when Tom heard Nathan tell Jay and Siva, “Do I give a fuck?” “Did I hear you say something, Nath?” Tom asked. Nathan shook his head violently. “Really? Who said ‘Do I give a fuck?’ to Jay and Siva?” Tom asked. “Mouth wash and a spanking” Max said. Kevin and Nano snickered. Nathan glared at them. “Nath” Max warned. “Mouth wash, come here!” Max said. Nathan walked up to Max and gagged as Max pushed a bar of soap in his mouth. Silent tears rolled down his face as he waited for the humiliating five minutes to end. It was humiliating for him as there was Kevin, Nano, Kelsey and Nareesha looking at him. Usually he wouldn’t bother with it as they already knew Nathan gets spanked but for some reason today he felt it humiliating.

After the five minutes, Max got Nathan to rinse his mouth and sent him to Tom who flipped him over his lap, jeans and boxers down. Nathan blushed as Tom started spanking.

SWAT SWAT you do not SWAT SWAT curse SWAT SWAT at anyone SWAT SWAT in this house SWAT SWAT or anywhere SWAT SWAT you got me? SWAT SWAT you are SWAT SWAT going to SWAT SWAT say sorry SWAT SWAT to Jay SWAT SWAT and Siva SWAT SWAT Alright? SWAT SWAT Never again Nathan SWAT SWAT

Tom righted Nathan’s clothes bringing him close to him to cuddle him. Nathan soaked up the comfort before getting up. Tom cupped one sore cheek of his bottom prompting him to say sorry to Jay and Siva. He did so before moving to the couch. “Seems like you’re the only one in the house who is always sporting a sore behind” Kevin said ruffling Nathan’s hair. Was he the only one? No, he’ll prove that to Kev! Nathan thought.

And Nathan got his chance on day when Tom and Max were so angry with Jay and Siva deciding to spank them. Tom and Max were really angry since a few days Nathan had been rude to Jay and Siva or been rude to people in front of Jay and Siva but they didn’t spank Nathan. Tom had given both Jay and Siva the permission to spank Nathan but they didn’t they only let him go with only one swat from each of them. Nathan had gotten a full on spanking from both Tom and Max after knowing that Jay and Siva didn’t spank him. But now they thought the other two youngest also needed a reminder. It was Nathan’s perfect opportunity. He took his camera and sneaked behind the wall from a position he could shoot everything in the camera.

He watched and recorded as Tom and Max warned Jay and Siva. “I told you to spank him but both of you lied to me. Both of you seems like needing a spanking as reminder.” Tom said. “No” Jay refused. “You can’t do this” Siva said. “We definitely can” Max added. Jay looked like he would bolt out of the door. But Max had already anticipated that. Nathan panicked when he saw Jay running towards the door. If Jay sees him then he could say goodbye to sitting ever in his life. His behind would be roasted! But Max caught Jay before he could reach the door itself. “I thought of a simple spanking but you’re going to get bare with the wooden spoon now!” Max said pulling Jay over his lap and grabbing the wooden spoon. Nathan zoomed on Max holding the wooden spoon and Jay’s bare bottom.


Max brought the spanking to an end cuddling Jay and shushing him. He let Jay cry and spill out his sorry. Meanwhile, Tom grabbed Siva by his arm. Siva shook his head. “This isn’t fucking fair, Tom! Why? You’re insane! Fuck off!” Siva cursed. “You just gave yourself the chance to taste the soap and the belt later!” Tom said pulling Siva to the bathroom and pushing a bar of soap in his mouth. Siva tried to spit it out but Tom clapped a hand over his mouth. After five minutes, Tom let Siva spit the soap out and rinse his mouth before pulling him to the bed. He pushed Siva’s jeans and boxers down. “Only 15 because belt and bare bottom hurts a lot” Tom warned.




Siva felt like his bottom on fire. He felt Tom pull his jeans and boxers up and cuddle him. He let out the tears he was holding fall down as Tom rubbed his back.

Nathan smirked. “Seems like I’m not the only one!” Nathan said forgetting that the camera was still recording. He went to his room uploading the video on YouTube. “Best thing is that nobody will know it was me” Nathan said smiling.

Max sat on the bed as he watched Jay flip on his stomach. He rubbed Jay’s back trying to get him to take a nap and Tom was still cuddling Siva in his lap. Siva being the least spanked one always craved for comfort after a spanking and Tom let him have that. He rubbed Siva’s back and cuddled him. They heard footsteps as Kelsey pushed open the door. Max turned to look at her and Jay pushed his head in the pillow to hide his blush. Siva also pushed his head in Tom’s neck hiding himself. “Kels” Tom started but Kelsey’s worried face worried him.

“Guys, you need to see a video on YouTube called ‘Watch Siva and Jay get spanked by Tom and Max!’” Kelsey said shocking all four boys.


Dedicated to one very good writer herself, I don’t know if you’re gonna even like what I wrote!

Thank you to those reading.

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Next chapter- Nathan’s behind is toast :P

xx Hailey

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