Clever people stupid decisions

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Prompt - Can I request more? Maybe where the rolls switch and Siva does something really bad and the boys make Nathan spank him 20 times with the brush? Like Siva maybe sneaks out to a party? And Nathan tells him not to. And Max heard Nathan tell Siva not too. Siva sneaks out gets wasted and passed out and wakes up and heads home with a hangover meanwhile Max wakes up turns the TV on and see Siva on tmz dancing and drinking. Nathan tells Tom Siva snuck out and when he got home everyone is waiting on the couch. Siva gets a spanking. Tom then forced Nathan to spank Siva with a belt. After Siva cries and snuggles to Nathan. While Max gives Siva some pain pills even though Tom jokes he shouldn't get them that he should have to deal with a hangover and a sore bum.


Out of the five members of The Wanted, the least troublesome one was Siva. Siva was the good guy. He rarely got in trouble. Even back at home, spankings were the least used methods to get Siva back on line because the boy hardly caused any mess. When The Wanted boys started using spanking a way to get the boys behaving, Siva was the one who was the least spanked. That is why it was quite a surprise to see Siva for once get out of his usual persona and act out.

Recently, The Wanted boys had been much in limelight for their late night parties and night outs. Even Scooter had been very disappointed with the boys for putting fun before career. Hence, the boys had stopped their partying for a while. To be honest, Tom thought that he and Max would find it difficult to stop partying. Maybe Jay would also have some difficulties to keep away from parties. They had also thought that Nathan might act out but no one thought that Siva, who was not so much of a party lover suddenly pulls a sneak out to party stunt.

It was Nathan who had been the one who heard Siva talking on the phone and saying that he'll be there for the party. "Seev, you know you can't go to any party right now" Nathan said. "I do what I want Nath" Siva said. "Excuse me?" Max asked as he overheard the conversation. "I'm sorry. I know. I meant to say I know what I'm doing. I'm not going to any party of course" Siva was quick to say. "Good" Max said leaving the two boys to glare at each other before Nathan was quick to follow behind Max.

Nathan had been downstairs watching a movie that evening when he heard Siva sneak past the back door. "Seev don't" Nathan shouted but Siva was already gone. Nathan considered telling the boys but then he thought that Siva usually is a good boy so maybe he was just going out for a while and will be back soon. Thinking such Nathan decided to give it some time before telling the boys. Meanwhile, Siva was going past his limits, getting drunk and absolutely wasted before passing out at his friend's place.

When the boys woke up the next day, Max had walked down and put on the TV while the others were having breakfast. "Where's Siva?" Jay asked. "Here" Max replied as he watched the celebrity news section showing Siva dancing at a party and that also absolutely drunk. "When did he even sneak out?" Tom asked. "Last night. I saw him and I even called out to him but he didn't stop. I thought he would come back and not go to the party but..." Nathan trailed off. "Nath, you should have told us" Tom said but softened up when the boy looked upset. "Now all we have to do is to wait for Siva" Max said.

When Siva returned home, he thought that he would quickly sneak in and sleep off his hangover but unfortunately he found the boys sitting on the couch, waiting for him. "Decided to finally come home Mr. Sneaker?" Max shouted. "Don't shout, my head hurts" Siva whimpered. That's called a hangover baby" Tom said, "But that doesn't save you from a spanking for sneaking off, going to a party, getting drunk and that also when we've been warned not to keep low on parties and all." Siva didn't say anything in his defense and didn't even protest when Max pulled him on his lap.

Pushing down Siva's jeans and boxers, Max started spanking the boy.


You know we've been told to keep low on parties


Then why did you sneak off to a party?


I would have expected this from anyone even from me but not from you.


On top of that you get drunk and completely wasted


What were you really thinking Siva?


Didn't Nathan also try to stop you? But you ignored him.


Max stopped the spanking but instead of comforting Siva, he stood the boy up and directed him to Tom. "Please no" Siva whimpered at Tom who removed his belt. "This for you to remember not to sneak off again like that and that also to a party that you've been warned not to go. But I'm not the one who will spank you. I'll leave that to Nathan because you decided to ignore him when he did tell you shouldn't go to the party" Tom said.

"No I can't do that" Nathan said. "Take the belt and give him only fifteen" Max said. "NO" Nathan shouted. "Nath, Siva deserves it. Just be quick with it okay" Jay said. Nathan lifted his head up and gave Siva a sad look before taking the belt. Tom got Siva to bend over the couch as Nathan spanked him.


Please listen to them next time


I don't like doing this to you so don't do such a thing again


Nathan ended the spanking as Siva turned to him and let Nathan wrap him in a hug, sobbing his heart out. Max pulled Siva to cuddle in his lap as Nathan continued snuggling with Siva. "I'm sorry. My friends said I'm too boring so I decided to show them I can get wasted too like them. But I know it's a bad idea." Siva said. "Exactly" Jay said. "Don't feel good" Siva whimpered. "Yeah, Jay get him some painkillers" Max said. When Jay brought the pain killers, Max helped Siva swallow them. "Should have let him deal with the hangover and the sore bum." Tom said but as Siva whimpered at him, Tom softened up again.

Sometimes clever people take stupid decisions.


Dedicated to niallsgirl1D4ever!

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xx Hailey

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