Missed you so much

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  • Dedicated to Sam

Prompt - if you can do a prompt where the boys haven't seen Scooter in a while so when they have a meeting with him Nathan runs in yelling Daddy and Scooter hugs him and stuff and during the meeting Nathan started getting bored and misbehaving so Scooter spanks him in front of the boys and Nathan cries a lot resulting in him needing his inhaler and he keeps sitting on Scooter's lap with lots of comfort and fluff!


He might be 21 but Nathan deeply missed the absence of his father in his life. Scooter having stepped up to fill that place in his life had somewhat made Nathan forget that Scooter wasn’t his father. Nathan was so happy that he finally got someone who loved him as a son, disciplined him when needed, took him to watch games or concerts and basically behave as a father with him. Though the boys also did all that for him but Nathan considered them as brothers, there was only Scooter who Nathan would readily and happily call as Daddy.

It had been nearly a month since Nathan saw or talked to Scooter. The boys had been really busy preparing for their upcoming album. Scooter also had been busy with Justin Bieber’s schedule that he didn’t have time at all for Nathan. Scooter had expected a temper tantrum from Nathan for not even being in touch with him for all these days but Scooter knew he left Nathan in good hands. Max, Tom, Siva and Jay will take good care of Nathan and Scooter was sure of that.

Nathan had been really happy when Jay told him that Scooter was back and called them in for a meeting. Nathan could hardly contain his excitement which had even earned him a swat to the thigh from Tom asking him to ‘sit still!’ But as soon as the car stopped, Nathan was out of the car hurrying to Scooter’s office. Scooter could hear Tom shouting ‘don’t run Nathan! Be careful. Why the hell are you in such a hurry?’ while the boys laughs echoed.

As soon as Scooter opened the door to his office, he was met a by a smiling Nathan who launched himself in Scooter’s arms. “I didn’t know someone will miss me so much” Scooter chuckled wrapping his arms around Nathan. “Missed you so much Daddy” Nathan mumbled in Scooter’s shirt. “Hey don’t we get to meet your Daddy?” Max asked pouting. Nathan reluctantly pulled away from the hug as he watched Max, Tom, Jay and Siva all give Scooter a hug.

Nathan was really looking forward to spending some time with Scooter but what he didn’t know was that Scooter had called them for a meeting concerning their upcoming album. He really thought that Scooter had called them just to meet them and mainly to see him but here Scooter was discussing about work and Nathan was seriously not happy about that. He tried to give Scooter and the boys many hints that he was getting bored but none of them were seriously paying attention him instead Max even gave him a warning to be quiet.

“Nath, stop whining” Siva said as he heard the lad mumbling under his breath. Nathan glared at Siva. As if it wasn’t enough, Nathan started kicking Jay’s chair. “Nath, stop kicking my chair” Jay shouted. “Nath, enough now!” Tom warned. Nathan looked at Scooter to see if the man would shout at him or not but Scooter was busy showing Siva something. Nathan felt like Scooter was too busy to notice him and it had been a month since Nathan got any attention from Scooter and he didn’t like that Scooter wasn’t paying attention to him.

Scooter knew Nathan was just seeking attention. He’d seen Nathan like this many times but right now it was much more important to discuss the upcoming album’s details as Scooter had missed a month’s activities with The Wanted. Scooter had thought he’ll hurry with the work quickly and then he’ll be able to spend some time with Nathan and the boys. He even thought he’ll take the boys to his place today and they’ll spend some time together like a sleepover or something. But here it seemed like Nathan was getting a little too cranky.

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