A big misunderstanding

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Prompt - What about one day, Tom, Jay, Siva and Max were watching a TV show like X-Factor or The Voice and were commenting on a boy saying that he doesn't know how singing and he was just a baby, and they hate him. Nathan heard them but didn't know they were speaking about the boy in the TV show, so Nathan thought they were speaking about him. Nathan, thinking that the boys hate him, started misbehaving harder than ever and the boys started punishing harder than ever too. Nathan felt also ignore because of the girlfriends who were always here and also because Scooter was always busy. So Nathan started self-harmed until one day, the boys found him in the bathroom, almost fainted. Nathan explained to them everything, what he had heard and so on. The boys, the girls, Nano, Kevin and Scooter reassured him and they finished cuddling.


Nathan had always been insecure of the fact that he was the youngest of the band or the baby of the band. He often thought that the difference of age between him and the boys might prove to be a disadvantage for the band. But when the boys stepped up to be the disciplinary figures in his life, Nathan didn't seem to bother much about the age difference. The boys proved that they really care for Nathan; hence they surely do not have any problem with his young age.

But Nathan's insecurities resurfaced when he caught bits of the boys' conversations. The boys had been watching the X factor on TV while Nathan had been up in his room taking a little nap. Nathan had come down after his nap only to hear the boys talking. "Dude, he is too young to be singing." Tom said. "Yeah, he is so young. Even his voice quality isn't that good" Siva said. "But of course he is a star since he has that baby face that we get him a huge fan following. Little girls love a baby face that's why he came so far" Jay said. "I hate him man. Just because of him, others don't get a chance to come forward. He steals all the attention" Max said.

Standing behind the couch, Nathan couldn't believe his eyes. This was what he was always scared of; the boys hating him because he was too young to have achieved so much with them. Nathan ran back to his room, crying softly as he curled up in his bed. He didn't even realize when he had fallen asleep because when he woke up, Jay was sitting beside him, carding a hand through his hair. "Wake up, baby Nath, you slept till dinner" Jay said. Nathan turned around, scoffing at Jay. He didn't even say a word to Jay as he followed the man downstairs. Dinner had been incredibly silent as Nathan excused himself after a few bites to go to sleep again. The boys thought of it as Nathan being tired.

Nathan had thought of ignoring the boys since he was still nursing his hurt feeling but when he got spanked one day, then everything thing turn bad. Nathan had been sulking at lunch when Max had enough of him. As soon as Nathan finished his two three bites of the food, he was about to excuse himself when Max stopped him. "Where do you think you're going?" Max asked. "I finished lunch, I'm going to my room" Nathan said. "Sit back down and eat properly." Max said. "Why do you care if I eat or not?" Nathan shouted. Having enough of Nathan's mood, Max turned the boy sideways.

SWAT SWAT I don't know why SWAT SWAT you're in such a bad mood SWAT SWAT but that's enough. SWAT SWAT That doesn't mean you can be rude. SWAT SWAT

Max turned Nathan around, forcing the boy to sit down and simply stare at his plate. "If you don't want to eat then don't. You have to sit there and wait till we're finished then." Max said. Sniffling softly, Nathan kept glaring at his plate. He didn't let his tears fall though and after dinner, Max was about to comfort the boy when he ran away to his room. "What's up with him lately?" Siva asked. "Uhm, teenage tantrums?" Jay asked. "Well, since he is Baby Nath, I would say baby tantrums" Tom chuckled making the boys laugh unknowingly making Nathan more upset as he heard their comments.

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