Attracting trouble

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Prompt - This was so cute as always! You're amazing. Oh and I have a prompt to if you feel like doing it. Maybe Nath starts acting really weird and the boys notice. He comes back home sulking and in a terrible mood. The boys keep asking him what's wrong but he doesn't respond until one day he gets really angry and throws a major tantrum so Tom punishes him. After the spanking Nathan starts blubbering about someone bullying him, one of Nath's classmates' older brother who's famous like them. So the next day behind Nath's back they meet this guy and warn him not to mess with the baby of the band. You're awesome really!

Prompt - Can you do one where the bullies come back after their suspension and they beat him up and stuff, then when he comes home he has bruises and cuts and he collapsed onto the ground and the have to get him to the hospital!

Prompt - I was just wondering if u could do another part where Nathan is getting bullied and he starts cutting again and the Max walks in on him trying to kill himself and even though they feel bad they still have to punish him. If u don't want to its okay


Speaking up against the bullies is very important. The boys had always taught Nathan that suffering in silent only means that you're encouraging your bullies to harm you more. Nathan had learnt that he needed to inform the boys whenever something happens at school. Especially when it comes to bullies, he needed to let the boys know about it. But now that his bullies got suspended, Nathan didn't even think that when they return, they'll get back to bullying him. But his biggest mistake was not informing the boys about the current bullying situation.

Until the two boys were suspended, Nathan could live freely at school but once they got back, the revenge started again. The boys had gotten back to bullying Nathan into buying lunch for them, doing their homework and the usual punch and kicks grew even worse. But Nathan made one big mistake, he didn't tell the boys anything. Instead he believed his bullies when they told him how worthless he was or how he was being a burden over anybody. All this bullying had gotten Nathan very frustrated with himself and thus, he turned to self-harm. He would often make a cut or two on his forearms and in the morning, he'd bundle himself in long sleeves to not let the boys notice anything.

But one day, Max finally noticed it. Nathan had gotten bullied so badly that day that he was really tempted to tell the boys all about it. But he couldn't bring himself to do so. Instead, Nathan thought of doing the worse thing. As he made a cut on his arm that day, Nathan thought of what it would be like if he killed himself. He held the knife closely as he prepared for the big cut but instead got caught by Max. "What the hell are you doing?" Max shouted. Nathan could only sob himself out as he let Max clean his cuts, wrap them up and pull Nathan in his lap. "Why?" Max asked. "I'm so tired." Nathan mumbled. "Is this the twitter hate, buddy?" Max asked, completely misunderstanding the situation. Nathan nodded, letting Max believe that as Max stood him up and turned him sideways.

SWAT SWAT How many times have we told you to talk to us instead of cutting SWAT Every time you cut, you'll be spanked. SWAT SWAT

It was just five swats and Max had quickly wrapped it up as he cuddled his baby brother in his arms. Later, after Nathan had fallen asleep, Max had informed the others about catching Nathan trying to self-harm. "But why?" Siva asked. "Must have been twitter hate" Max said. "Doesn't make sense though." Jay shrugged. "Why do I feel there is more to this?" Tom said. "Well, we have to keep a close eye on him, I guess." Max simply said.

They did keep a close eye on him. Because of that, Nathan had been unable to cut and thus he got cranky. In fact, as he returned home one day, he had been an absolute pest and threw a big tantrum causing Tom to flip him over his lap.


How many times did we say that tantrums are not allowed?


I don't know what gets to your head sometimes


You need to stop with being such a pest sometimes


Get a grip on those tantrums


Tom was about to continue with the spanking when he heard Nathan start sobbing. Amidst his apologies, the boy started blubbering out the truth between his cranky tantrums and the self-harm. "What did you just say?" Tom asked the boy as he pulled him upright on his lap. "The bullies are back." Nathan sobbed out. He told them how the two boys had gotten back to bullying him. "Nathan, you should have told us before itself, kiddo." Tom sighed as he cuddled the boy in his lap. "We'll handle those bullies, baby. You have nothing to worry" Max assured the boy as he dropped a kiss to Nathan's forehead.

The next day, they all went to school to talk to the bullies. Max and Tom had lunged on the boys to hit them but Siva and Jay restrained them. They talked to the principal again and the two boys got suspended and their elder brother was called to school. When the two boys' brother arrived, Tom was quick to give him a piece of mind as to how to keep his brothers in control. But what they hadn't expected was for the man to turn to Nathan and punch him right in the face. "The little shit deserved it" The man spat out. This time there was no stopping Max and Tom who lunged on the man, beating him up. The principal had no other option except than calling the cops and expelling the two bullies from school.

Seeing that Nathan had a nosebleed, the boys decided to take him to the hospital just to be on the safe side. Clutching Tom's hand in his, Nathan allowed the doctor to fix him only if it meant the boys were around him. As they watched over Nathan, the boys couldn't help but feel guilty as to how they hadn't seen what was going on with their youngest. Clearly, the boy attracted bullies and trouble very easily. They will have to keep a closer eye on the baby of the band now since he attracts trouble a bit too easily.


Dedicated to Psparkle0221Dloverforever1243 and my-silly-life!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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