The twitcam

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Prompt - The boys are doing a twitter cam and Nath keeps being inappropriate and swearing so Tom or Max calls him so they are off the cam but they can faintly hear Max scolding Nath on his behavior and then he turns him around and spanks him, then they go back on the cam and fans are asking what Max and Nath were doing and what the smacking sound was and a fan asks if Max was spanking Nath and Jay just tells then something like "yes he must be dominated" or "yes he's been a naughty little boy" and the fans just see it as a joke


It wasn’t always that Nathan would misbehave. But there were times the boy could not help it! He rarely ever was rude or swore at people but often he would let himself get provoked or let a little frustration or bad mood ruin his usually best behavior. But luckily or unluckily for him, Nathan had four boys who would not allow Nathan’s good image be ruined by a silly mistake of the boy. A little spanking was all that Nathan needed to stay in the line!

Since a few days the boys had been meaning to do a twitcam. It had been long since they did one but Nathan wasn’t actually on his good mood today. The boys didn’t want to do a twitcam with a moody Nathan but it was supposed to be done today itself. They had promised their fans! Now all that they could hope for was that Nathan’s bad mood doesn’t provoke one of them into spanking the lad because otherwise they’ll still be having a cranky Nathan on twitcam with the only difference being his sore bottom.

But obviously, Nathan let his sour mood ruin his behavior as he whined at almost everything. First he whined that he couldn’t see the laptop and then he whined about how it was the bad time for a twitcam. The boys tried their best to ignore Nathan’s cranky behavior after all the boy was just having a bad day. But it wasn’t going to be the case if Nathan continued with his behavior and that’s exactly what Nathan was doing.

Tom tried to whisper to Nathan to knock off his attitude but the boy didn’t even pay attention to him instead Nathan went on a rant at how gay they looked sitting all so close. But the breaking point came when the boy started swearing it was small things at first with Nathan saying “no, shit! Really” and “fucking hell mate!” but then Nathan appeared to be crossing the line with his swearing and bratty attitude.

Max had been convincing himself since long that Nathan was just going through a bad day and the kid would just knock off his attitude soon! But it wasn’t happening! He was so close to pulling Nathan over his lap when Siva reminded him that where on twitcam and fans were watching. Max nodded to Siva as he took a deep breath to let go of the anger. But it didn’t help when Nathan read a tweet and responded with a “fuck you! That’s fucking hell, bitch!”

That was it for Max; he stood up walking to the corner of the room where he signaled at Nathan to walk to him. Nathan shook his head as he understood what awaited him. But Tom was already pulling Nathan up. “Go, Nath! Can’t you hear your phone ringing? Mommy calling?” Jay lied to help the boys cover up. Nathan sent Tom and Jay a glare as he walked to Max. As soon as he was off cam, Max pulled Nathan over his lap and sat him facing him at first.

“I know you’re having a bad day with a very bad mood. But you know swearing is not allowed here! With that sailor mouth of yours, you’re going to be a bad example to many of the young fans out there. You know that right, Baby Nath?” Max asked. He waited for the nod from the boy before pulling Nathan up and back on his lap this time facing the ground as Max pulled down Nathan’s jeans and boxers.

SWAT SWAT This is SWAT SWAT not a SWAT SWAT to behave SWAT SWAT You know SWAT SWAT better SWAT SWAT than swearing SWAT SWAT in front SWAT SWAT of so many people SWAT SWAT and specially SWAT SWAT the young fans SWAT SWAT on twitcam SWAT SWAT I know SWAT SWAT you are SWAT SWAT better than this SWAT SWAT so you’re going SWAT SWAT to knock off SWAT SWAT that attitude SWAT SWAT of yours SWAT SWAT and behave SWAT SWAT if you don’t want SWAT SWAT a soapy mouth SWAT SWAT and the belt SWAT SWAT to your behind SWAT SWAT Never again Nath SWAT SWAT

Max ended the spanking as he cuddled the boy letting him cry in his shirt. Nathan knew he shouldn’t make any noise because they were still on twitcam and the fans might hear him but he was feeling really sorry. Max had kind of understood Nathan’s situation as he pulled the boy up and help him right his clothes before pulling Nathan back on his lap and rubbing his back to comfort him. Siva got up walking to them and handed Max a tissue to wipe out the tear tracks from Nathan’s face. “Ready to go finish this twitcam, Nath?” Siva asked. Nathan nodded as he let Siva lead him back to where the boys were.

“Had a good conversation with Mommy, Baby Nath?” Jay teased. Nathan blushed but more from the tweets that followed than from Jay’s statement. Tom read out one of the tweets that was asking what the smacking sound was and was it Max spanking Nath? Nathan blushed deeply as Max laughed it out. “Oh yes, someone was talking rudely to Mommy. So, I helped Mrs. Sykes with this naughty boy!” Max chuckled as he continued on with the lie that Jay had told previously about Nathan going to attend the phone call from his Mom.

After the twitcam, the boys felt relieved as they went through a series of tweets that took the spanking Nathan thing as a joke. Max looked up at the red faced Nathan who was being teased by Tom, Siva and Jay before opening his arms to Nathan. “Come to Mommy! Mommy will protect you from the bullies!” Max said laughing. “Mommy Max?” Nathan laughed making the boys also laugh but nevertheless Max did find himself with an arm full of Baby Nath!


 Dedicated to @Nazzayah!

Thank you to those reading!

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xx Hailey

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