Punished like a kid

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Prompt - What about do one where Nathan misbehaves way too much like throwing big tantrums, cursing and more, then max spanks him but he doesn't even say sorry and curse more so tom gets enough of him and punishes him worse in another way because he thinks spankings won't work. Choose any punishments maybe lock him up in closet, or any other just choose ;) please? Thank you x


One can only handle someone's misbehavior for so long. And that's exactly what happened with The Wanted boys. Nathan's tantrums had gone bigger over the past few days. Not to forget the amount of cursing that the boy did. All this called for punishment. But the problem was that no punishment were making any effect over the boy. From Jay to Siva to Max, they all had tried their best to get their misbehaving kid back to behaving in their own way but nothing seemed to be helping Nathan put his attitude in check. He needed a bigger punishment or maybe a more embarrassing one.

It was Jay who first had had enough of Nathan's attitude. Nathan had cursed at him and even cursed at some of the crew members. Disappointed with the kid, Jay had pulled on Nathan's ear as he dragged the boy to their apartment and straight to the kitchen. "How dare you curse at people?" Jay shouted. He brought Nathan to the sink and pushed a bar of soap in the boy's mouth. For five minutes, Nathan pushed at Jay, struggled in his arms and put up a good fight unlike the usual crying and turning puppy eyes on his discipliner. Instead as the punishment was over, Nathan glared at Jay and walked away without a single word of apology.

Turned out, Nathan's behavior didn't improve much. The next one to be upset with Nathan's attitude was Siva. He had thrown a big 'I'm a celebrity' tantrum at their meet and greet which prompted Siva to put Nathan in the corner for about one and half hour because every time, Nathan would either talk or move out of his spot, making Siva restart the time out. Nathan ended up spending one and half hour in the corner and when Siva lifted off the time out rule and asked Nathan, "Do you realize why you were in time out?" the latter replied by a "because you're mean" and didn't even have the time to say anything else as Nathan walked away.

Finally, it was Max who pulled Nathan on his lap. It happened when Nathan threw a tantrum on sets and as soon as they returned home, Max had flipped Nathan over his lap.


How dare you be rude to people, Nath?


How dare you swear at crew members?


They work with us Nath


But they are not our servants


I expect you to stop being disrespectful henceforth


Max ended the spanking as he pulled Nathan in a cuddle but instead the boy pushed him away. Standing up, Nathan pulled up his clothes and glared at Max. "Fuck you" was definitely not the word that Max was expecting from Nathan. "Do you want a second round Nathan?" Max asked. "Nope" Tom replied instead of Nathan, "I've been watching him these past few days and no punishment seems to be having any effect on him." "Maybe I don't need any punishment" Nathan said. "Maybe you need a bigger punishment" Max added. "Fuck..." Nathan trailed off but instead a harsh smack on his backside cut him off. Looking back, he found Tom standing with a wooden spoon. For a moment, the fear gripped him but then Nathan cursed again at Tom.

And then Nathan stood there for some minutes with his jeans and boxers down and Tom spanking him with the wooden spoon. Tom did hear a few whimpers but Nathan never apologized nor broke down in tears. Ending the spanking, Tom stopped Nathan when the boy was about to pull his clothes up. "Not so soon buddy. You're going to stand in the corner with your hands behind and no rubbing your backside or I start again" Tom warned. For a good two hours Nathan stood there. Kevin came, Nano came and even Scooter came but nobody took him out of the corner. It was humiliating for him to stay there and finally the tears came. And along came the confession, "You lot treat me like a kid."

"Oh Nath" Siva sighed. Tom shook his fondly at the kid as he brought him in a hug, "all this just because you feel like we treat you ask a kid?" Tom asked. "Nobody of my age gets spanked like this" Nathan argued wincing when his backside hit the couch. "Well, you throw tantrums as a kid so you get punished as a kid" Max said as he pulled Nathan to sit on his lap. Sensing Nathan's protests, Siva added, "Will it help if we tell you that all four of us get spanked too. Not only back home but also here. Max, Tom and sometimes Kevin, Nano or Scooter spanks us." "Yeah, and sometimes Max and I too get spanked" Tom said. "But very rarely" Nathan said. "Not really. It's just that you don't get too see us getting spanked often" Jay said. "Oh" Nathan said. "Oh indeed" Tom chuckled.

They really hoped not to see this side of Nathan again. And Nathan surely understood that behaving like a kid will earn him a punishment like a kid. He will indeed be punished like a kid.


Dedicated to ZiamAllovaMayne!

Thank you to those reading!

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xx Hailey

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