Crazy 24 hours

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Prompt - IK its gonna be weird but can u do one where they do a concert at a science lab and Nath wanders in and messed with a bunch of things and one turns on and zaps him into a baby??? It's crazy I know


Nathan was totally the baby of the band. The boys learnt that ever since they met the boy but staying with him for the last few years had proved that Nathan actually needed much care and attention just like a kid does which is why Nathan was nicknamed Baby Nathan. Add in a bit of tantrums, a bit of acting out requiring a spanking or some pouting, some crying, some giggling as the boys tickled him, Nathan proved that he was totally the baby of the band.

On stage though, Nathan was a different personality. He would be so vibrant on stage that it completely mesmerized the boys. But not much time after the concert, Nathan would prove his baby status again. One fist rubbing his eye as he tugged on Max's shirt with the other hand had all boys cooing at the boy. "What's wrong, Baby Nath?" Max asked. "Tired" Nathan whimpered. "I know baby, why don't you go sit over the couch there. We'll talk to the security team quickly so that we're escorted out without any problems" Max said, pointing over to the couch that wasn't too far from them. Nathan pouted but agreed nevertheless.

Curling up on the couch, Nathan wanted nothing more than close his eyes and let himself fall asleep but he knew if he did so the boys would carry him and he didn't want anybody to see him being carried. Looking around, Nathan found a science lab not far from them. Looking back to the boys, he found them having their backs to him. Curious, Nathan walked to the lab. Seeing that nobody was inside, he sneaked in quietly. Nathan knew about the saying that curiosity killed the cat but he was too curious to look around to remember the saying. He touched the chemicals around, swiped his hand over the machines when he heard the boys call out for him.

Nathan knew that if the boys see him here, he is more likely to be spanked for going somewhere without asking. Panicked, he tried to hurry back outside; stepping over a machine as he unknowingly pressed the start button. "No, don't do that" he heard a man shout as the boys also ran to the lab. "Get him out" Tom shouted at the scientist. "I'm sorry I can't do anything, the machine already started." The scientist said. The boys looked over to Nathan who was about to burst in sobs when suddenly a gas filled the machine and within a few seconds the machine stopped.

"Where's Nathan?" Jay shouted as Tom hurried to the machine, pulling the door open as he stared down. "Guys, we have a problem" Tom said, scooping something up and when turned around, they saw a baby boy in Nathan's shirt not much younger than even a year. "Who's that?" Jay asked. "Is it Nath?" Siva asked. "Oh Lord, my experiment worked." The scientist screamed with joy before gasping as Max pinned him to the wall. "Turn Nathan back right now" Max shouted. "I can't do that. But don't worry the effects will last only 24hour. Tomorrow before midnight, he will be back again in his true form." The man shouted making Nathan burst in tears at the loud voices. Tom cradled the boy in his arms trying to shush the boy down. "What age is he?" Jay asked, looking at how small the little boy looked. "What was his age?" The scientist asked. "21" The boys said altogether. "Oh Lord, 2+1 is equal to 3, the boy is three months old." The man said, cowering as Max moved forward again but Nathan's cries stopped them again. "How are we sneaking him out?" Tom asked the most important question. "Fuck I never thought about that" Jay cursed. Max turned back swatting Jay twice.


"Don't curse around the baby." Max said to a blushing Jay.

A quick call to Kev had the man hurrying to help the boys. He managed to sneak the boys out from backstage and quickly get them back home. Midway though, they stopped by to buy a few clothes for the little Nathan as well as a pacifier, a bottle and diapers. Siva quickly diapered Nathan up in the car itself to avoid any accidents. Cradling the boy in his arms, Siva rocked the boy in his arms smiling at the still sleeping baby in his arms. When they reached home, Siva passed Nathan to Jay who held the boy in his arms, smiling at the little boy. "He is so cute" Jay cooed. "Oh God, I can't believe we have a little Nathan in our arms" Siva said. "He is absolutely cute" Kev agreed, looking over to the sleeping baby Nathan.

The boys hadn't thought about how difficult looking after a baby for twenty four hours would be. Tired from the concert, they had all fallen asleep. Tom had taken Nathan in his room putting pillows around the baby so that he doesn't roll around in his sleep. They had all fallen asleep when Nathan woke them up after an hour crying. It took Tom half an hour to figure out that Nathan was actually crying for a diaper changer. The next time Nathan woke up crying, Max had sneaked in and took Nathan down for a bottle allowing Tom to sleep. The other time Nathan started crying Siva took him to his room, rocking the baby in his arms so that it could go back to sleep. Finally when Nathan woke up crying, Jay had woken up too and gladly took the boy down to play.

They hadn't even noticed how the day went by quickly. A few diaper changes, feeding the baby his bottle, rocking the baby in their arms and a few nap times, the day had already gone by. By the evening, the boys felt a little bad that Nathan would no longer remain a baby. They all had agreed on having a sleepover downstairs, laying Nathan in the middle as they all slept. The next morning, Jay woke up to a hot body pressed against him. Opening his eyes, he found that Nathan had grown back to his previous size and was no longer a baby. "FUCK" Jay shouted. Tom and Siva woke up and nearly cursed too when they saw Nathan sit up looking at them with wide eyes. "Didn't I say no cursing around the baby" Max said, waking up and shocked to see Nathan. "Are you okay?" Siva asked Nathan. "Yeah, but what happened here?" Nathan asked, looking down to seeing himself naked with a ripped off baby onesie next to him and a pacifier in his hand.

The boys all burst out in laughter as Tom said, "I'm gonna have so much fun to tell you what happened during the last 24hours. It was a crazy 24 hours."


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xx Hailey

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