Being in charge

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Prompt - Hey I have a prompt for baby the band where Tom gets hurt and maybe Nath tries to hide it from the boys in the mean time while he figures out what to do. But Tom is in a bad way and when the boys find out they spank him for not helping Tom, trying to hide it and not telling them. Thanks hun


Being the baby of the band, Nathan was always left under the charge of others. From Tom, Max to Siva or Jay, the boys were always in charge of Nathan. If the boys weren't there, then Nano or Kevin would be in charge of Nathan. Otherwise Scooter was always there to take charge of Nathan. Earlier, Nathan used the one who took charge of his family but ever since he got in the band, the boys had really taken Nathan under their charge. From then, Nathan never had to be in charge of anyone or anything. In fact, Nathan was not even sure if one day he was left in charge in any circumstances, how would he fare?

Unfortunately for Nathan, the time came a bit too soon. It was a day when he was alone with Tom. Max had gone for a photo shoot; Jay had gone to meet his brother while Siva and Nareesha had gone on a date. That left only Tom to look after Nathan and he was not at all bothered to do so. Even Nathan loved that he was going to have one on one bonding time with Tom. His day was going perfect. He loved being under Tom's charge. But to his bad luck, he was soon going to be in charge given the bad circumstances that was going to happen. An unfortunate incident with Tom had Nathan being in charge of the current situation.

Tom and Nathan had been watching a movie when Tom got up to bring the popcorns. Unfortunately, he slipped and fell down face first, the impact of the fall giving him a cut on the forehead. Hearing the noise, Nathan ran to the kitchen. "Tom, what happened? Did you fall?" Nathan asked, helping Tom up and letting out a horrified gasp as he saw the bleeding cut on Tom's forehead. "Oh God, Tom, you're bleeding. What should I do?" Nathan asked, panicking. He was too scared to even function properly. And it totally slipped out from his mind that he should call either of the boys. Deciding to take charge of the situation, Nathan ran to get the car. He wasn't allowed to drive but Nathan didn't think before getting behind the wheels. He banged the car once as he tried to get out of the garage. He banged the car twice as he pulled it in front of the house and hurried out to see the boys reach.

Max, Jay and Siva arrived at the house only to see Nathan hit the car as he pulled it in front of the house. Max was fuming as he saw the state of the car. "Max, you came?" Nathan exclaimed. Max pulled Nathan sideways, smacking the boy's backside.

SWAT SWAT Haven't we forbid you to take the car out? SWAT SWAT It has been long since you damaged the car SWAT SWAT and look at how you damaged it again. SWAT SWAT You don't touch the car again. SWAT SWAT

Sniffling quietly as Max ended the spanking, Nathan shakily gasped out, "But Tom is hurt." "Tom is hurt?" Siva asked as Jay hurried in the house. "Max, Siva, get in here quick" Jay shouted. The boys ran inside quickly to see that Tom was unconscious with a bleeding forehead. "Oh God, Tom" Max sighed. "Let's get him to the hospital quickly" Siva said, pulling Nathan up. Max turned to Nathan as Siva and Jay took Tom to the car quickly. Pulling a leg on the chair, Max bent Nathan over his leg. "Max, no" Nathan gasped.

SWAT SWAT When were you going to tell us that Tom got hurt? SWAT SWAT In the time that you were trying to get the car out, SWAT SWAT Tom got worse. SWAT SWAT You should have called any of us. SWAT SWAT

Max ended the spanking, pulling Nathan in a hug. "I'm sorry. I was so scared. I didn't even know what to do." Nathan sobbed. "Shush down. It's okay. I know baby. But next time you call as soon as there is a problem." Max said, "Come on, let's go see Tom." Nathan nodded. Max still had Nathan clung to his side, as they reached the hospital quickly. Tom had his forehead stitched and taken to a room when Nathan and Max reached.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Max asked. "Better" Tom replied, "Where's Nathan?" Tom asked. "Here" Nathan said. "I'm sorry baby, you must have been so scared" Tom said. Nathan nodded, letting Tom pull him a hug. "It's okay baby, I'm fine now" Tom said, patting Nathan and hearing an 'ow' as he patted Nathan's backside. Tom looked over at Max. "Damaged the car as he tried to take it out to drive you to the hospital and also he needed a reminder that he should call someone when there is a problem" Max said. Nathan pouted at them as Tom pulled Nathan to his side. "It's okay, I got you" Tom assured Nathan.

Nathan was sure to remember that instead of trying to take charge of the situation, he should call the boys or any of the other. Being in charge wasn't really that much fun, after all.


Dedicated to destiel14!

Thank you to those reading.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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