Lesson taught by mums

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Prompt - The boys' mums come to pay a visit when they hear all the boys are out of line and scooter is too busy with JB. Here is a little twist: Nathan has never been spanked not even as a kid so when the other mums spank their boys, the boys and their mums find out Karen never spanked Nathan so Karen hesitates to spank Nath but the other mums talk her into it, Nath keeps fighting with his mum not letting her saying it's embarrassing and he's too old, one of the other boys' mums walks up to Nath (maybe gives him a light warning smack that shocks him) and tells him that the other boys are older than him and they are getting spanked, he should be ashamed of his behavior, etc she lectures him until he is calm and allows his mum to spank him. They all then cuddle afterwards.


It was a proud feeling to be mum of the boy who is part of a leading boyband. Every mum of The Wanted boys was very proud of their sons. But lately, the mums had been very disappointed in their sons. From getting drunk almost every night to not even paying attention to their career being at stake due to their drunken antics, the boys had been going all out. And it was not something that the mums were proud of. In fact, it was something that the mums decided that must be stopped at all cost. Even at the cost of some sore bottoms.

Usually, whenever the boys went out of line, Scooter will gladly pull them back in line by warming some bottoms but this time Scooter had been very busy with Justin Bieber. Kevin and Nano were helpless this time since the boys made it clear that they don't answer to them, and that left no one to discipline the boys. And for once, it was not only Tom, Max, Siva and Jay but Nathan also had joined in the drinking and partying group with his big brothers. This was something that required the mums' presence if the boys were to get back in the line again.

It was Nano who had informed the boys' mums about the boys' recent antics and had made the arrangements for the boys' mums to travel to The Wanted House. They could no longer go on like that after Kevin had drive the boys home again and even help their drunken self to bed. Kevin had agreed with Nano's idea to call the boys' mums when he had to carry a drunken Nathan and help him in bed knowing that when tomorrow he'll talk to the boys, they will again tell him not to interfere in their life. This had now become a mum's job.

Early morning when the boys woke up, it was to the smell of coffee. Tom was the first to wake up and getting out of his room, he met Max, Jay and Siva who also had just woken up. Walking down they found Nano and Kev quietly sipping a cup of coffee. Max was about to ask Nano and Kev about why they were wearing that smug look on their faces when Jay stammered out a 'mum.' Looking in the kitchen the boys found the five ladies sitting at the kitchen table looking very crossed. "Good morning boys" Siva's mother greeted the boys, making them feel a bit nervous to see the five mums altogether.

"Hi mum" Tom managed to say as her mother crossed her arms. "You boys are in a lot of trouble" Max's mother said making the four boys suddenly look very nervous. Tom's mother took a step forward to his son and making Tom back away. She was about to warn her son about stalling a punishment when Nathan walked in. Rubbing his eyes, Nathan walked in the kitchen looking much like a toddler that had Nano and Kev wincing about what was awaiting the boy. Unaware of the tension going on, Nathan was actually happy to see his mother. "Mum?" Nathan's sleepy voice was heard as he gave his mother a hug. Karen couldn't be angry at her son like this as she let him hug her. The mothers raised an eyebrow at Karen as Max's mum cleared her throat. They couldn't let Karen comfort Nathan before the punishment itself.

"What were you boys thinking? Going out to party every night and getting so drunk that you can't even return home properly? And when Nano and Kev warn you boys, you tell them not to interfere in your lives? Do you even realize what a bad example you've been setting for your young fans? And your career? Your career is at stake boys" Max's mum scolded them. The boys all looked down as they were being scolded when suddenly Tom's mother said, "you all know what happens when you make such a mistake?" "Mum, not that..." Tom protested. "Since you're being so nice, why don't you go over my lap first?" Tom's mum said, pulling Tom over her lap making the others look down as Nathan's eyes widened in surprise. He watched as Tom's mum pulled Tom's sweatpants and boxers down as she started the punishment.

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