Love life

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Prompt - Do one where he start to date Arianna Grande 

Prompt - How about like Nathan and Ariana Grande collaborate and the boys are jealous so they spank Nath for nothing and yell at him, and then Ariana finds out and she tells scooter. This isn't one where Nathan is a solo artist. He's still in the band.

Prompt - Maybe one where the boys spank Nath privately after they find out through Twitter that Nathan was dating Ariana and he kept it a secret from the boys. Idk maybe they find Ari and Nath together and maybe Ari's older brother Frankie also gets involved so the two youngest get told off for keeping their relationship a secret from them

Prompt - Did one where Nath get into trouble when Ariana Grande call to See if he what to Write song , Nath like Ariana but the boys don't want him to go


Nathan knew that keeping his recent relationship a secret from the boys was going to attract him quite much trouble but Nathan really didn't know how to tell the boys that he was actually dating Ariana Grande. Right now the boys only knew that Ariana and Nathan were collaborating with each other for a song and Nathan himself wasn't sure as to when their friendship turned into a dating relationship. But Nathan wasn't ready to tell the boys anything about it. He knew he shouldn't be keeping secrets from the boys but he just didn't feel like telling the boys anything for whatever reasons he could think of.

The boys wouldn't have known anything about it actually if it weren't for twitter and for Ariana's older brother Frankie. Nathan had lied to the boys about a meeting with Scooter so that he could meet Ariana but he wasn't so lucky as Frankie caught both Nathan and Ariana in a sweet little embrace on the couch. At first Frankie scolded both of them for keeping their relationship secret from even their close ones but then he'd been happy that his sister had actually gotten such a gentleman as partner. And that's how Frankie was the one who disclosed the relationship on twitter by snapping a pic of all three of them and posting it on twitter. Unfortunately for Nathan, that only fueled the ongoing rumors and it finally reached the boys' ears.

It was Jay who first discovered those rumors on twitter and he had very cheerfully announced to the boys that people thought Nathan and Ariana were dating. Little did he knew that it was actually true? But minutes later, Siva was showing them the pic that Frankie had posted. "He lied to us. He told us he was going to meet Scooter" Max said. "He is actually dating Ariana" Tom sighed. Kevin who was standing by the kitchen raised an eyebrow at the boys as he asked, "you boys jealous that he is dating Ariana?" "What? Of course not, Kev" Jay gasped. "We're just worried. He's young you know. He can't deal with heartbreak and all that" Siva said. "For how long are you guys going to protect him? He is growing up. He needs to deal with his own bumps and bruises of life" Kevin explained. "But we're always going to be there with him" Max said. Kevin looked at the boys fondly. "That doesn't mean we aren't spanking him for lying to us and keeping secrets" Tom huffed. Kevin chuckled as he realized that Nathan was actually in very good hands.

Later that evening as Nathan returned home, he found the boys sitting on the couch. He was about to escape to his room quietly when Jay asked, "How's Ariana?" "Huh?" Nathan asked, panicking slightly. "You're wrong Jay, you should ask how's your little girlfriend Nathan?" Max sarcastically added. "No boys he went to meet Scooter, right Nathan?" Siva asked. "You know better than keeping secrets from us" Tom said as he tugged Nathan forward to pull the boy on his lap. "Oh you're just jealous that I got Ariana as girlfriend" Nathan argued as he tried to work his way out of the spanking. "Really Nath?" Tom said as he pulled Nathan's jeans and boxers down before pulling Nathan on his lap.


Having a girlfriend isn't a problem Nathan. But keeping your relationship a secret from us is a big problem.


Lying to us to go meet her is surely a big problem.


We're not jealous of your relationship. We're just protective of you.


I hope you understand that Nathan.


Tom ended the spanking as he pulled a sniffling Nathan in a hug. "Shush down now. I got you" Tom comforted Nathan. "I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you that" Nathan said. Tom sighed but didn't say anything as he cuddled Nathan. A phone call interrupted them as Nathan quickly spoke in hushed tones before turning to face the boys with a cheery smile. "Ariana wants me to meet her so that we can talk about our new song" Nathan explained. "Well right now, you're grounded." Tom simply said as the boys chuckled at the pout that Nathan gave them.

Later that evening Nathan called Ariana and told her that he couldn't meet her tomorrow. While talking he let it slip out that the boys had spanked him. What he didn't expect was for the boys to be screaming for him about ten minutes later. "What?" Nathan asked. "Your girlfriend called Scooter and complained to him that we spanked you" Max said. "What did she do?" Nathan gasped before adding, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know she'll go tell Scooter. I'll speak to her." "You better do that. Scooter was so mad. He made us explain every little detail about that spanking, even asking about if we comforted you or not" Tom said. Nathan nodded as he hurried upstairs.

"He's grown up, yeah?" Jay asked. "I just hope Ariana doesn't break his heart. I mean Nathan is really too young and... Okay, I admit, I'm damn protective of him" Siva admitted. "I don't know if she is a good choice. I mean she went and complained to Scooter about us" Max said. "Shows that she loves him enough to be worried if he was punished unfairly." Tom said before adding, "Let's just hope this turns out good for Nathan."

Upstairs as he explained to Ariana about the boys' means to punish him and even admitting that he deserved this punishment from his big brothers, Nathan couldn't help but smile as he thought of his protective brothers and his love life. Surely, his love life was making an impact even on his big brothers.


Dedicated to DanceIsGreat, Nazzayah and skyelepe55

Sorry to have mixed so many prompts together though!

Thank you to those reading.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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