Caught in a mess

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Prompt - Can u do one where Scooter’s rival in the music industry has had his eye on Nath 4 a while and when Nathan's not working cuz of the stress he asks him 2 come and work in the studio and Nath is bored so he does even though the boys and scooter told him not to work and they find out?


Nathan knew he had been told to take a break from singing and all but he was really bored. And it did not help to see the boys go to studio and work while he was forced to stay at home and catch up on his sleep. He desperately wanted to work but he was scared to tell that to any of the boys in case he ends up with a sore bottom. So, Nathan kept it to himself waiting impatiently to get back to work as soon as possible.

One day, he got a call from a certain James asking him if he would like to use his studio for rehearsals and stuff. Nathan was a little wary of the guy knowing that James was Scooter’s rival. His daddy’s rival! But when James assured him that he didn’t want anything in return and instead was just offering Nathan a place to rehearse and to work on his voice, Nathan was a little caught in the situation. But what made him say yes was James’s ‘You just had surgery on your voice, if you don’t work on it how would you be able to be better? Don’t you want to have a vocal coach? I can give you that!’ Nathan had immediately agreed.

Problem was how to hide it from Scooter and specially the boys. But Nathan had thought of little lies that he could tell the boys and get away with it. Like this morning when Nathan was going to James’s office for the first time, Jay had stopped him asking him where he was going. “I’m going to roam around and take some fresh air! It will help cure my boredom!” Nathan said. “Silly boy! Go!” Jay chuckled. Nathan had let out a sigh as soon as he turned his back to Jay. This had been an easy lie!

Nathan met James and though being wary of the man, Nathan had loved using his studio for practice and the vocal coach had helped a lot. Within 4 hours, Nathan was back at home and the boys hadn’t suspected anything. For a few days, it went on like this only! But then Nathan started feeling the fatigue again. When he tried telling the vocal coach and James, they forced him to continue saying they would otherwise tell Scooter how Nathan has joined hands with him. Unwillingly, Nathan had to accept staying here only.

Nathan was trapped and he knew it. The boys also started noticing how Nathan went out often and how he looked more tired than before. But none of them doubted in what mess Nathan had gotten himself in. Siva caught Nathan crying in his room one night and when asked Nathan just said he was tired again and again before falling asleep. Siva told the boys about it and they decided to contact Scooter asking to extend the break time for Nathan. Scooter had been worried that night. He kept thinking how Nathan could be tired when he was already on a break.

Scooter got the shock of his life when one day he reached James’s studio to tell them to back off from his projects when he found Nathan there. Scooter stood behind the glass door looking at Nathan singing but he lost his cool when the vocal coach there started insulting Nathan and telling him he wasn’t being good enough. Scooter pushed open the door and walked in. Nathan nearly panicked seeing Scooter but there was also relief that now somebody knew.

“Back off from my kid!” Scooter shouted. “Scooter, Scooter, Scooter! Your kid himself came here!” James said. “Yeah? So, he himself will be walking out of here and never coming back again!” Scooter said glaring at Nathan as if to say dare you not agree to what I say. “He wouldn’t do that! Nathan, do you want to waste your time sitting at home or do you want to improve your voice? You know we can help you!” James tried persuading Nathan. “Baby, you got two minutes to get yourself in my car without a word!” Scooter whispered low enough for only Nathan to hear.

Nathan nodded at Scooter and hurried outside of the studio with a glare at the vocal coach and James. “Next time if you try brain washing my kid, I’ll finish you off!” Scooter warned before moving out. Scooter got in his car with a look in the passenger seat to confirm Nathan was actually sitting there. “I’m sorry!” Nathan said. “You have to explain yourself in front of the boys! I can’t believe you kept lying to us, Nathan!” Scooter said in a disappointing tone which made Nathan want to cry but he swallowed it as they stopped in front of The Wanted House.

“Nathan? Scooter?” Max said opening the door to let them in. “What’s wrong?” Tom asked noticing Nathan’s sad face. “I found him rehearsing at James’s studio with a vocal coach telling him he is not good enough and to keep pressure on his voice.” Scooter explained. “What? Nathan, you know James is Scooter’s rival!” Jay said. “No wonder why you were so tired!” Max said. “Why didn’t you tell us he was pressurizing you?” Siva asked. “He told me he’ll tell Scooter that I’ve joined him and he kept telling me he was helping me improve my voice.” Nathan said. “Nath, you’ve got nothing to improve!” Jay said.

“But you’ve been lying to us for so long!” Max said. “And more than us, you hurt Scooter!” Tom said. “So, Scooter do you want to…” Siva asked. Scooter nodded pulling Nathan towards him as he sat on the couch. Nathan didn’t fight when Scooter pushed down his jeans and boxers and instead he himself draped himself over Scooter’s lap.

SWAT SWAT Never lie to us SWAT SWAT do you know SWAT SWAT how bad I felt SWAT SWAT when I saw you there SWAT SWAT I was also scared SWAT SWAT if James SWAT SWAT or the vocal coach had SWAT SWAT done something to you SWAT SWAT if ever you are in SWAT SWAT trouble SWAT SWAT you know you can tell us SWAT SWAT I never want SWAT SWAT to see you SWAT SWAT doing something SWAT SWAT like that SWAT SWAT again Nathan SWAT SWAT

Scooter ended the spanking rubbing Nathan’s back and letting him cry in his shirt. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry! I’ll never do that again Daddy!” Nathan sobbed. Scooter smiled at the Daddy word and kissed Nathan’s forehead rocking him slightly in his arms. Nathan got to his feet looking at the boys before muttering, “I’m sorry for lying to you!” “It’s not over yet! You still need to be punished for lying to us!” Max said grabbing the paddle. Nathan whimpered but walked himself to Max.

SWAT SWAT Never ever SWAT SWAT lie to us SWAT SWAT again SWAT SWAT You were lucky SWAT SWAT Scooter found you SWAT SWAT if he hadn’t SWAT SWAT we would have SWAT SWAT never known SWAT SWAT in what mess SWAT SWAT you had landed yourself SWAT SWAT This shouldn’t be SWAT SWAT repeated again SWAT SWAT

Max dropped the paddle cuddling Nathan. “It’s okay! You’re forgiven!” Max said rocking Nathan in his arms. “Why did you go there though?” Jay asked. “I was bored sitting at home alone while you all could work! When James called he told me I could use his studio and he’ll help me improve my voice with a vocal coach. I believed him when he said after surgery my voice need vocal coaching! But then he started making go over the same thing ten times a day! And he told me I couldn’t leave or else he’ll tell Scooter that I joined him and you all and Daddy also would hate me!” Nathan explained sobbing again.

“I would never hate you Nath!” Scooter said opening his arms for a hug and Nathan ran to him. “Next time you feel bored or unfortunately landed yourself in such a mess, you tell either of your brothers or me! Got it?” Scooter asked. Nathan nodded. “I’m tired!” Nathan whined. The boys laughed along with Scooter and Siva offered to carry Nathan to his room.


Dedicated to @CiaraHaines!

I haven’t been updating for a while, my health is not really good at the moment!

Though thank you to those who’ve been reading my stories!

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me

xx Hailey

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