A trip to Nareesha's parents' house

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Prompt - How about one where Siva and Nareesha go and spend a week at Nunu's parents' house and for some reason that you can make up lol they have to bring Nath along. But when there driving up to the house Nathan is super whiny because Ike Siva woke him up early so they would get there on time. And during the week there at the house Nath keeps crying and throwing fits and stuff. And then Siva ends up having to spank him. Oh and can you make it super cute!


After a heavy schedule, the boys had finally gotten a little break. They all were looking forward to go home but Nathan wasn't too well. He had had a fever for the week and wasn't really in the condition to travel. Thankfully, the boys didn't have to cancel their vacations since Siva and Nareesha were not travelling abroad. They were going to visit Nareesha's parents and offered to take Nathan with them since they would not be flying but rather driving and Nathan would have no problem with that.

Nathan wasn't too happy when he learnt that the boys would be leaving him to go on vacations but he felt better when he learnt that Siva would be taking him with him. But problem was that Nathan didn't want to travel at all. His fever had just broken and he wasn't feeling too good. He didn't really trust a car ride now but he had no choice. "You be good for Siva, okay?" Tom had warned him while Jay had been a little worried about Nathan's little fever still hanging on. Max, on the other hand had asked Siva to contact him if Nathan's health get worse or if he misbehaves too much. And all while Nathan couldn't help but sigh at his over protective brothers.

After the boys had gone to their vacations, Siva had let Nathan sleep through the night but early morning they had to leave for Nareesha's parents' house. And Nathan wasn't pleased to be awaken early morning. "Come on baby, if we want to reach Nareesha's house before dinner time, you need to wake up." Siva said, "But first let me check that fever of yours." Nathan wasn't too fine with the little thermometer in his ear but he shut up when Siva warned him, "I can always use the other thermometer Nath. You don't want that right?" Nathan decided to stay quiet and could finally sigh as Siva removed the thermometer from his ear saying and giving a nod at the figures that indicated the little fever still hanging on.

After a quick shower, Nathan found himself dozing in the car as Nareesha and Siva kept chattering with each other. Half an hour later, Nareesha turned back, smiling as she quickly snapped a pic of the sleeping boy. "Just look at how cute he is" Nareesha cooed. Siva looked in the mirror smiling. It was by lunch time that Siva woke Nathan up when Siva stopped at a restaurant. "Lunch time baby" Siva said. But unfortunately, since Nathan had just been sick, his appetite wasn't quite much. He sat through lunch whining and being cranky as Nareesha and Siva tried to wrap up their lunch and get back on road again. Siva was really tired of Nathan's attitude but Nareesha insisted that Nathan was just cranky because of his bad health. So, as Siva drove the car, Nareesha chose to sit in the back with Nathan, trying to get the boy to sleep for a little while more. And Nathan wasn't too happy to wake up later when they arrived at their destination.

Nathan kept holding Siva's shirt in one fist as he clung to the man when they stepped in Nareesha's parents' house. Nareesha introduced everyone to Nathan and vice versa but Nathan didn't say much except a hello. But by dinner time, Nathan was an absolute monster. He had refused dinner and when was forced to sit down and eat with them, he only pushed around the food. Nareesha's father had jokingly said, "boy, that food is for you to eat and not play with it" but none of them expected Nathan to curse at the man. "It's not your problem what I do to the food." Nathan had shouted. As soon as the words left his mouth, Nathan felt Siva grab his arm and excuse himself from the table as he dragged Nathan to the room. Soon, Nathan felt his sweatpants and boxers being pulled down.


I'm so disappointed in you, Nath


You know better than to be rude to people


I know you're not too well and tired but that's not a way to behave


Never again baby


It wasn't much but Nathan burst in sobs as he let Siva cuddle him. "What happened baby? You don't feel good?" Siva asked, rocking Nathan in his arms. Nathan nodded. Siva helped the boy pull his clothes up before they went outside. Nathan quickly mumbled an apology to Nareesha's parents and said his thanks to Nareesha's mother when she replaced her food with a glass of milk. After Siva and Nareesha were done with dinner, Siva excused himself as he took Nathan back to bed. A quick check of temperature and after being met with a whine again at having his temperature taken, Siva saw that the little fever was still there but hopefully some rest might help Nathan. He rubbed the boy's back letting him fall asleep.

"He asleep" Nareesha asked when she returned to the room. "Yeah, can't really move him right now. I have to keep watch on his fever. It's low but still there." Siva said. "It's okay babe. We'll watch over him together" Nareesha said as they both sat by Nathan's side, feeling like parents who were on night duty with a sick kid. Thankfully, Nathan would be fine by tomorrow and he would be able to enjoy the trip at Nareesha's parents' house.


Dedicated to ashxlou!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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