The cane is bad

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Prompt - Oh can u maybe do one where they go to a really big show and then he acts out there and gets whooped with the cane


Nathan absolutely hated the cane. Ever since he got spanked with it, Nathan was dreading it. He sincerely believed that he would now not even misbehave or do anything bad just for fear of his backside coming in contact with the cane. As far as the boys were concerned, they happily would let the fear of the cane make Nathan behave. But for how long was Nathan going to be able to stay out of trouble? He attracts trouble quite easily, actually.

The Wanted boys were supposed to be doing a big show. Scooter had already warned the boys that he wanted no misbehavior and no goofing around for this show. Tom and Max had taken it very seriously and advised Siva, Jay and Nathan to take the show quite seriously. They were supposed to perform in front of a huge crowd. And already Nathan was proving to be quite difficult. From not wanting to wake up, whining about the breakfast choice and being pouty over the whole trip to the show, Nathan was really making life difficult for the boy.

As if that wasn't enough, Nathan was being a moody teenager throughout rehearsals and all. He'd even been pulled over Nano's lap once when instead of listening to the instructions he decided to goof around. "You listen very carefully" Nano said pointing his finger at Nathan, "there is very little security out there. Do not get too close to the crowd. Do not put yourself in danger." But all Nathan did was mock Nano and get five swats in return. As they made their way to the stage, Tom reminded Nathan, "You put yourself in danger and I'll whoop your behind with the cane."

But Nathan wasn't one to listen to them that day. He did exactly what they had asked him not to. He put up a show, cursing on stage, passing on rude comments but then he decided to take a dive into the crowd. Tom had watched in complete horror as some of the girls who tried catching Nathan fell down. As expected, the security guys had a hard time getting to Nathan. Max, Jay and Siva ran to the crowd to pull Nathan out and get the boy backstage as quickly as possible.

As soon as Tom got backstage, he pulled Nathan by his ear, "hadn't we warned you against putting yourself in danger? You could have hurt those girls and hurt your own self." "I was just having fun" Nathan protested. Shaking his head at the boy, Tom pushed the boy to bend over the little couch backstage as he took the cane to the boy's backside.


You could have gotten hurt with that stunt that you pulled


You could have hurt others too


I've put aside all your misbehaviors since morning


But trust me when I say you earn this session with the cane.


Ending the spanking, Tom barely had the time to brace himself when Nathan threw himself in Tom's arms, sobbing his little heart out. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be bad" Nathan sobbed out. "I know buddy. It's okay. It's all forgiven now." Tom said as he cuddled Nathan and softly rubbed his back to calm the boy down. "This is all due to the cane, huh?" Jay chuckled. "Bad cane" Nathan sniffled. "Of course" Siva laughed. "If a cane get you to behave then it can't be bad, huh?" Max asked. But when Nathan hiccupped at a sob again, Tom was quick to add, "The cane is bad, okay."

The cane is definitely bad!


Dedicated to Maxlawler23!

Thank you to those reading.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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