The new sibling

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Prompt - At 16/17 years old Nath is told he is going to have a new little sibling. The boys (21-24) find out (whether Nath tells them or they find out some other way) they are more excited than Nath since he has a few insecurities. So he starts to misbehave because he thinks the boys are going to like his new little sibling more and they won't pay attention to him when they are in his house, so he misbehaves to get attention. Maybe add when his new sibling was born, and Nath's reaction along with the boys meeting Nath's new sibling and how Nath interacts with his new sibling.


How dare she? That was all what Nathan could think of. His mother had just announced the news to him and Nathan couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had thought that coming back home for the little break was a good idea but now he felt he shouldn't have come here at all. His mother had dropped her pregnancy news like it was the best thing in her life. Maybe it is the best thing in her life but not for Nathan. Don't get him wrong but he'd been the only child for so long and now at 17 years old, he was told he would have a new sibling. The news didn't settle right for him.

Nathan was more than impatient for the break to end and for the boys to come fetch him. But little did he know that the boys coming to fetch him were the worst idea ever. As the boys reached his house, they learnt about the pregnancy news as soon as Kelsey and Nareesha saw Karen, Nathan's mom and guessed the news seeing her figure. Standing by the door with a pout on his face, Nathan watched as his mom was pulled in a hug by everyone. He couldn't help but feel jealous. "Can we go now?" Nathan shouted. "There's no need to shout, Nath" Tom warned. Nathan didn't reply and simply shrugged out of the way when his mom tried to give him a goodbye hug. He ignored the hurt look on his mother's face walking off to the car. "That was very rude of you, Nathan. You can expect a lengthy time out when we reach home." Max said. Nathan simply chose to close his eyes and make as if he was asleep.

Nathan thought that since he came back from his house, he had escaped the baby talks but even with the boys, all he could hear all day long was the baby talks. The boys would discuss about gifts that they would give Nathan's mom and the baby. Nareesha and Kelsey would sometime come over and yet the topic of discussion would remain the new baby. It was making Nathan get even more irritated and cranky. Soon he learnt that the attention had shifted from him to the new baby and Nathan didn't really do well when the attention wasn't on him. Soon, his cry for attention resurfaced.

It started by the little things. He would be rude to the boys, he wouldn't want to do any of his chores and he would refuse to listen to the boys. He had already gotten enough time outs, corner times, mouth washed on numerous occasions. He'd even gotten pulled over Max's lap once but the real full spanking came when Nathan went a little overboard in jealousy. The boys had gone along with Kelsey and Nareesha to buy gifts while Nathan was still asleep. But Nathan had woken up much later and wasn't happy to learn that the boys had left him at home to go shopping. As soon as they returned Nathan had made his displeasure known.

While the boys went to the kitchen, Nathan had taken to destroy every gift that the boys bought. It wasn't much but he could feel his anger cool down as he destroyed the gifts. The stroller bought by Max was the first to be destroyed. Then the toys from Jay were broken. Nathan tore the clothes that Siva and Nareesha bought for the new baby along with the baby products that Kelsey and Tom bought. He was quite satisfied with what he had done. Hearing the noise the boys walked to the living room and gasped at the destroyed gifts.

"You're in a world of trouble" Tom fumed. In a minute, Nathan found his jeans and boxers going down as he was flipped over Tom's lap.


What have you just done?


Do you even realize?


We bought those gifts with so much love.


And you destroyed them?


What's your problem, Nathan?


Are you jealous or what?


Ya, that seems to be the problem.


Then my jealous boy, you will have to stop with that attitude.


Otherwise the punishment will be worse than this.


Tom ended the spanking as he let Nathan snuggle up to him. "I hate the new baby" Nathan mumbled. "Nath, do you want to go for a second round or what?" Tom warned. "I hate the baby. He hasn't yet arrived and all of you love him or her more than me. Every time you guys talk about the baby. You buy gifts for the baby and all forgot me." Nathan sobbed. "Aww baby" Jay cooed. "Listen to me, baby. Nobody is trying to replace you. We all love you. We've known you since so long why would we replace you with a new baby?" Siva asked. "My mom has already replaced me." Nathan sniffled. "Baby, parents love all kids equally. No one is more than the other" Max said, "have you seen me or Tom favor one of you three more than the other. We do shower more love on you because you're the youngest but that doesn't mean Siva or Jay means less to us." Max explained. Jay and Siva both blushed at that explanation. Nathan found himself nodding at Max's explanations as he mumbled an apology and snuggled up to Tom again.

Max's explanations had somehow lessened Nathan's fears, which is why he allowed himself to be dragged to the hospital when the news of his new sibling having arrived came. Nathan stood at the edge of the bed, pouting slightly as he watched the boys gushing over the new baby girl. He let the boys pull him closer to watch the baby but was unable to hide a smile as he watched the baby girl open her eyes and hold onto his finger. "Aww, she opened her eyes for her big brother" Kelsey cooed. "She is even holding Nath's finger." Nareesha chuckled, making Nathan blush. "Aww, our baby boy has become a big brother" Jay cooed.

Karen watched fondly as his boy smiled and even held the little new born baby girl in his arms. Nathan finally had a new sibling.


Dedicated to Nazzayah!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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